View Full Version : Defeated

01-04-2013, 06:57 PM
I just feel completely defeated. Today was my 5th day of taking Prozac. I finally got comfortable with it, I wasn't having bad side effects it was going good. Last night at bedtime it felt like my stomach was on fire then spread throughout my arms and neck. Eventually went away. I woke up and was fine today took my Prozac went to work. I'm sitting here at work reading and all of a sudden I get it again. It comes over me in a wave I feel like my whole body is on fire and I felt like I was gonna pass out. At this point my chest is pounding I'm having heart palpitations. Then I was on fire and cold on an off. I called the pharmacist they said to call my family dr. I do and they say to stop taking the Prozac and see how I feel in a couple days. Could be an allergic reaction. I'm looking all of these symptoms up and I can't place this reaction anywhere. I feel like I am gonna have a real heart attack. Now I am so upset bc it took me a week to talk myself into taking medicine and I finally get comfortable with it and now boom here I am. I refuse to go through this medicine crap again so home remedies it is now. I'm just really scared I am getting misdiagnosed and I should be in the hospital instead of just stopping the medicine and see how I feel..

01-04-2013, 07:14 PM
I had that same side effect with Zoloft. I could be fine one min than all of a sudden get this rush of hear all over my body for about 1 min then went away for about 5 mins then came back again. It was a terrible feeling. I had so many side effects that I quit taking it after I ended up in the hosp because I felt so terrible. The doctor there told me to stop them. I have tried others and they all do the same thing to me.

01-04-2013, 07:22 PM
Allergic reaction my arse. No swollen airway or extremities/puffiness???? BULL. LOL.
Just a temp bump in anxiety from the ssri like lots get. It will fade soon if you can hang in there. Alankay

01-04-2013, 07:49 PM
My temp bump as you call it landed me in the hops after 6 weeks of taking it and the effects got worse not better:( it was not an allergic reaction because I did not have swollen air way etc but the worst side effects and it was terrible. Not saying for some else to stop without consulting a doctor but I consulted mine and he just kept upping mine and it got worse. So it depends on you and your doctor for treatment not us. We are just here to tell our side of stories we went through on meds etc so you have to make that decision. I was bed bound for 6 plus weeks. Could not eat and had to have help just to make it to the bathroom. So I can only say what has happened to me and everyone is different.

01-04-2013, 08:41 PM
I had that same reaction to Lexapro and ended up in the emergency room. I switched to Zoloft, on a super tiny amount, and that worked for me. Honestly, you may work just fine with another med....

01-04-2013, 09:10 PM
Allergic reaction my arse. No swollen airway or extremities/puffiness???? BULL. LOL.
Just a temp bump in anxiety from the ssri like lots get. It will fade soon if you can hang in there. Alankay

I read having an increases body temp from Prozac can lead to shock. This is very scary to me I feel like I'm burning on fire :(