View Full Version : Hi Everyone, Anxiety-Sufferer Here, Needing Help!

01-04-2013, 04:57 PM
Hi everyone, I'm new to the forums and going to share my story or parts of it. Maybe some can relate and hopefully give me advice! I have suffered from general anxiety, social anxiety, and panic attacks to varying degrees for years. I also have OCD. I am NOT depressed, although the anxiety does take its toll on me at times. I am a gay male, HIV positive, and currently taking medication for two years and am doing very well thankfully in that regard. However, the anxiety was with me before I became HIV positive and is still with me now. I do not know how to deal with it. Basically I always feel anxious to one degree or another, although at times much more so than others, such as when I have to go on a job interview, be around new people, or large groups. My palms get sweaty, my heart races, and I just have this reaction to crowds that I can't control. I simply can't stand them. I'd rather be by myself or with people I feel comfortable with and trust. I have a terrible time meeting new people and breaking the ice. I'm not in a bad relationship or anything, and there isn't anything in my personal life that is causing the anxiety, it is just involuntary. I have suffered with it for as long as I can remember.

In recent years, I have developed mild issues sleeping, specifically with falling asleep, not staying asleep. It's not severe as of yet, but it does make me more anxious when it happens. My primary care doctor started me on 50mg of Zoloft, which, after researching, I was leery about, but I tried it for two weeks, and it made me feel worse! I felt jittery, gritted my teeth, anxious, and high all the time, like I couldn't turn my brain off. It also totally killed my appetite. I also felt like I was in this bad brain fog. It also ruined my sex drive, and I couldn't sleep on it. Well after almost two weeks I had enough and stopped it. I feel like the zoloft made me more anxious than I was to begin with! And isn't it more of an anti-depressant anyway? I am not depressed. but I am anxious. There is a HUGE distinction in my book. So I am supposed to be seeing my doc again in a few weeks for a follow up and I'll have to tell her that I had to stop the zoloft because of the side effects. So I'm back to square one. Isn't there any good starter low dose medications that are more specifically for anxiety without major side effects? I'm scared of ativan because of the potential dependency of it, and other benzos. So I guess I'm just hoping there's something out there I could try that could calm me down, and help me sleep at night when I'm having a rough night. The anxiety is quite bad at times, to the point where I'm scared to go into any kind of social situation or job interviews because of my anxiety. To be clear, I'm not depressed, just anxious. I hope some can relate to this, and hopefully give me some advice/suggestions. Thanks a lot!

01-04-2013, 05:10 PM
Hi! I was given Zoloft too before and it did the same to me. I ended up in the hosp. It was terrible. I tried so many others and they all had the same reaction. So I can't take any of those meds. I do take clonopan but only when needed and even cut it up. It helps so much when I start getting overly nervous. I was also given buspar which is only for anxiety and non habit forming. It made me feel like I go clean my house all day until it wore off then I was very tired. It did help me not to care about my anxiety/) I just did not like the coming down off of it feeling. But I truly believe if you are not depressed the antidepressants just do the opposite on us. They say it helps with anxiety but its really more for depression. Ask about buspar and try it and see.

01-04-2013, 05:28 PM
Hi sandy, I haven't heard of buspar. Maybe I'll ask about it. Basically, I feel I need something that could calm me down a bit and not get me addicted. But this anxiety is becoming intolerable. But I also don't want all the dreadful side effects I got from zoloft. I'm surprised my general practitioner didn't warn me about those before giving me more options. What about Paxil? Or something like Trazodone or Remeron, perhaps? I'm not a doctor, but I don't want something that's going to hype me up and make me more anxious, I need something I can take occasionally to calm me down for social situations and such. I guess I'll just ask my doctor when I see her again and see what she thinks, but I don't want to try SSRIs anymore if I can help it. I'm not depressed, I'm just anxious!

01-04-2013, 07:46 PM
AD's are just called that. They also have significant anxiolytic properties. All of them. Part of their very nature.
Well if benzos concern you, ask about lyrica(pregabalin). Maybe atarax(old antihistamine). Buspar as well. Otherwise you seem to have mostly GAD so if you get into a corner, try a long acting benzo like clorazepate/valium/klonopin.
A beta blocker like propranolol might help with social anxiety. 20-40 mg an hour before interviews/meetings, etc. PM me any time. Alankay