01-04-2013, 10:51 AM
I am really freaking out, I asked about dizziness on here and someone said it could be an inner ear infection. I've been feeling dizzy, out of it, spacey, had sharp pains shooting all over my head on and off, had pain down my back, had sharp pains in my ear followed by dizziness, a dull achey pain in the top left of my skull, muscle twitches (random muscles at random times at least every 10 minutes a different muscle will twitch, sometimes its like a partial part of my muscle is twitching), a really stiff neck, pain behind my eyes and just generally not feeling right. I can't even kee a conversation going because I just feel out of it. I've managed too push it too the back of my mind and have just been taking painkillers for it - which I don't know have really helped. But now I'm experiencing all these symptoms at once and it's really frightening :( !!! I'm worried that I do have an inner ear infection which is now infecting my brain! Can this happen? I'm so damn scared. Also I'm scared these muscle twitches are affecting my brain. Could my brain be twitching? I get muscle twitches in my chest and down my side, what if this affects my heart? I'm scared, so, so scared. I'm only 17 I don't want to die :( I'm scared that something is going on in there that I can't help and I'm going too go to slee and just not wake up. I'm experiencing pain all over my body now. please please please reply i dont know what to do im actually in a crisis. I'm not panicing, my heart rates fine but im getting chest pains, help