View Full Version : Getting there

05-15-2007, 07:07 AM
Just a quick update. I am starting to feel a little less depressed - I am on St. John's Wort. Panic attacks are only now occasional, had one last night cause I was trying to explain to my bro what was going on in my head - he really doesn't understand but I think hes got a better grasp of things now. I'm still feeling unreal though and its annoying because if that was gone then I think I'd be well on my way to recovery.

I went to my first councelling session on Friday - it was ok but they just seem to listen and take notes and my next session isn't until 1st June but it was good to get things off my chest. Other than that I'm starting a group CBT course which will hopefully clear the air a bit.

Is anyone on here taking Vinpocetine at all, I heard its a herbal remedy for derealisation but can it be taken with St. John's Wort?