View Full Version : Dizziness

01-04-2013, 03:35 AM
I have been feeling really dizzy lately but today it's extra bad, I dont really have any pain or anything just the odd pain in my head every now and then, I do get a really tense neck. But I feel awfully dizzy, like really, really bad. Im scared it might be something more sinister wrong with my brain.. does anyone else get this dizziness and how can I stop it? Or atleast make myself feel better? Its making me feel motion sick

01-04-2013, 03:44 AM
I have been feeling really dizzy lately but today it's extra bad, I dont really have any pain or anything just the odd pain in my head every now and then, I do get a really tense neck. But I feel awfully dizzy, like really, really bad. Im scared it might be something more sinister wrong with my brain.. does anyone else get this dizziness and how can I stop it? Or atleast make myself feel better? Its making me feel motion sick

Dizziness is one of the main side effects from anxiety. it comes on at any moment and frightens you when it does. I'm pretty sure that you have nothing to worry about and that it is just anxiety.

01-04-2013, 05:09 AM
I get daily dizziness, have for the past 8 months. I hate it!! I feel like I might fall over and pass out!!

01-04-2013, 05:33 AM
I feel dizzy a lot of the time, I'm just finding it hard to accept that it's a symptom of my anxiety. Today I felt fine but when I got into work and sat at my desk I felt really dizzy and have done since then. It's hard to convince yourself that it isn't something more sinister but it helps so much coming on here and seeing everyone else say they feel this way too! Makes me feel reassured that it is my anxiety..at least for a short while! Thanks all x

01-08-2013, 01:55 AM
I feel dizzy a lot of the time, I'm just finding it hard to accept that it's a symptom of my anxiety. Today I felt fine but when I got into work and sat at my desk I felt really dizzy and have done since then. It's hard to convince yourself that it isn't something more sinister but it helps so much coming on here and seeing everyone else say they feel this way too! Makes me feel reassured that it is my anxiety..at least for a short while! Thanks all x

Same thing happens to me at work.

Actually, pretty much happens everywhere! I talk myself into it before I get anywhere!!

01-08-2013, 10:58 AM
yup me too. I talk myself right into the dizziness and lightheartedness before work in the car on my way to the grocery store etc. Then my anxiety comes on full effect! I try and take long deep slow breaths and get some fresh air. Sometimes that helps

01-08-2013, 10:59 AM
The tight neck is frustrating too. I get that. It's like one shiver tha won't go away. I hate it

01-08-2013, 03:21 PM
I feel so dizzy sometimes I can't even walk. I often get these sudden spells where everything around me feels like it's spinning and I nearly fall over and have to hold onto someone/something until it goes away.

01-09-2013, 03:34 AM
I feel so dizzy sometimes I can't even walk. I often get these sudden spells where everything around me feels like it's spinning and I nearly fall over and have to hold onto someone/something until it goes away.

I feel like this too. I even get it sitting or lying down!!