View Full Version : On the road to recovery

01-04-2013, 12:41 AM
Okay, so it's early days, but I just wanted to let you all know that I am feeling very positive about this year. I know that it will take time to recover, but I am willing to wait and deal with these feelings until my nervous system heals and I'm free! I HIGHLY recommend a book called 'At Last A Life' written by Paul David. He suffered with anxiety himself for 10 years and is now completely cured and wants to help other people like us who suffer the way he did. The best quote I have read in the book is 'you won't get better until you stop trying to get better'. This book has definitely changed my way of thinking already and I'm not even half way through it. I hope people listen and buy this book, it's worth the money!!

01-04-2013, 05:39 AM
Hi Stacey, thanks for this. I've found reading really helpful so its good to be told some good books. i read 'stop thinking, start living' and i thought that helped a lot. It's nice to hear you are feeling better. I've only been like this for 6 months. I'm feeling better this year already, still a way to go but I feel like I am having more good then bad days which is good! Can I ask if you have ever taken medication for your anxiety? I've been prescribed some but haven't taken it as yet as ideally I would like to try and get through this without taking any x

01-04-2013, 06:57 AM
Hi Stacey, thanks for this. I've found reading really helpful so its good to be told some good books. i read 'stop thinking, start living' and i thought that helped a lot. It's nice to hear you are feeling better. I've only been like this for 6 months. I'm feeling better this year already, still a way to go but I feel like I am having more good then bad days which is good! Can I ask if you have ever taken medication for your anxiety? I've been prescribed some but haven't taken it as yet as ideally I would like to try and get through this without taking any x

I have literally just brought the book 'stop thinking, start living' but haven't started reading it yet, but I highly recommend 'At Last A Life'.
I used to be on citalipram and I am on fluoxetine now, but I do wish I wasn't on them, but I don't think I had a choice, I just wanted something to make me better straight away, but this book has completely changed my thoughts and when I make some progress myself I am going to come off of the tablets. if you think the tablets will help you then definitely do it, but I do know what you mean with not wanting to because you want to get better yourself which I personally think is the best way to do it x

01-04-2013, 08:33 AM
Okay, so it's early days, but I just wanted to let you all know that I am feeling very positive about this year. I know that it will take time to recover, but I am willing to wait and deal with these feelings until my nervous system heals and I'm free! I HIGHLY recommend a book called 'At Last A Life' written by Paul David. He suffered with anxiety himself for 10 years and is now completely cured and wants to help other people like us who suffer the way he did. The best quote I have read in the book is 'you won't get better until you stop trying to get better'. This book has definitely changed my way of thinking already and I'm not even half way through it. I hope people listen and buy this book, it's worth the money!!

Oh I complete agree I bought this about 4 years ago I thought I was going crazy read this book & it changed me complete it really is good!
Altho I still suffer it seems to come & go now & never been as bad as it was before I read the book I always keep it on hand & when I'm having a bad time will read it in fact I think I may read it again soon as finding things a bit tough at the mo x x

01-04-2013, 08:34 AM
Just to add I've never taken meds & this book helped me thru a hard time when I felt that meds was going to be my only option x x

01-04-2013, 08:44 AM
Thanks for this. I will definitely be purchasing that book. I really want to try and get through this without taking medication so I will try that and see how I get on. I've started to go running which I have found really helpful in clearing my mind and afterwards I feel good knowing I've done something healthy x

01-04-2013, 01:15 PM
Started reading this book tonight and I can feel weight lifting already!! Thanks for the recommendation x

01-04-2013, 01:49 PM
Stacey, just hearing that you are feeling better makes me feel better, thanks for the post.

01-04-2013, 02:37 PM
Started reading this book tonight and I can feel weight lifting already!! Thanks for the recommendation x

you are very welcome! I really hope that it helps you. it's the best thing I have ever brought!

01-04-2013, 03:22 PM
I just purchased the book through amazon. Waiting in patiently for the delivery now and will tell you what I think of it when I read it as we'll :))) hope it works :(

01-05-2013, 04:10 AM
I just purchased the book through amazon. Waiting in patiently for the delivery now and will tell you what I think of it when I read it as we'll :))) hope it works :(

Oh that's great. I am feeling positive that it will help you! Let me know how it does :-) x

01-05-2013, 06:26 AM
I just purchased the book through amazon. Waiting in patiently for the delivery now and will tell you what I think of it when I read it as we'll :))) hope it works :(

I think it will too :) x