View Full Version : Anxiety and working

01-04-2013, 12:00 AM
What kind of job do you have and how do you manage? I'm not working or going to school because of my anxiety and I'm really insecure about it. And bored,and broke. I feel like a loser that is on the fast track to nowhere. I find myself constantly worrying about whether or not I have a future. I'm uncomfortable in conversations people are having about their jobs,to the point where I want to walk out of the room. I feel like I have nothing to say for myself,and that I'm an embarrassment. I really want a job but I psyche myself out worrying about if I can handle it or not. So frustrating. Any advice would be appreciated guys.

01-04-2013, 02:13 AM
My job is my outlet.

I'm a head teacher, so I am not only responsible for students, I am responsible for an entire department. I actually thrive on being busy and whilst I am at work, my anxiety is present, but never really able to nudge its way into 'control'.

I had to study for a number of years - 4.5 years to be exact - before I started my current job 4 years ago and this was when the first bout of anxiety started. It wasn't related to starting work, but more to the three months of unemployment uncertainty and job hunting before I got my lucky break.

In my opinion, many people with anxiety/depression are incredibly intelligent and capable of doing whatever they want to pursue. You should really give the study/work thing a go. It's nothing to be scared of and maybe it will give you an outlet, something to take your mind off itself.

What could you see yourself doing in the future? What do you like and what are you good at? (Because I work with senior students, I often do pathways counselling to help students choose what they want to do).

01-04-2013, 04:37 AM
What kind of job do you have and how do you manage? I'm not working or going to school because of my anxiety and I'm really insecure about it. And bored,and broke. I feel like a loser that is on the fast track to nowhere. I find myself constantly worrying about whether or not I have a future. I'm uncomfortable in conversations people are having about their jobs,to the point where I want to walk out of the room. I feel like I have nothing to say for myself,and that I'm an embarrassment. I really want a job but I psyche myself out worrying about if I can handle it or not. So frustrating. Any advice would be appreciated guys.

Specialist electronics designer + programmer. I'm a bit of geek really :-D

Sorry but, as long as you sit around doing nothing... you're gonna get nowhere.

A good career won't just jump out and hand itself to you... you have to work, and work hard for it.

You can do anything & be anyone you want - it's down to you.

01-04-2013, 05:46 AM
Business analyst for a large fortune 500 company. I have been in stressful departments there, and downshifted to a less stressful environment. I currently work from home most of the time. Really figure out what you want to do, and it won't be stressful for you...it will be enjoyable.

01-04-2013, 06:14 AM
I work in a crappy shop, operating a till, helping customers, ordering stock and then putting it on the shelves.. I fucking hate it, but I lack any sense of direction and have no drive to do better even though i do not want to be stuck in this job. I'm shit at it as well, only because I'm good friends with the boss that I'm still there. I'm shit with people and have zero skills or talents. I dont think i could get through an interview these days! My brother worked in crappy factory jobs all his life but recently graduated from university at 39 years old and has now got a job he loves (social worker) and gets paid a decent wage, so there is a glimmer of hope for us! Just gotta firgure out what it is you wanna do then just go for it! At 23 I'm still trying to figure out what that is!! :/ good luck!

01-04-2013, 06:40 AM
I work in a crappy shop, operating a till, helping customers, ordering stock and then putting it on the shelves.. I fucking hate it, but I lack any sense of direction and have no drive to do better even though i do not want to be stuck in this job. I'm shit at it as well, only because I'm good friends with the boss that I'm still there. I'm shit with people and have zero skills or talents. I dont think i could get through an interview these days! My brother worked in crappy factory jobs all his life but recently graduated from university at 39 years old and has now got a job he loves (social worker) and gets paid a decent wage, so there is a glimmer of hope for us! Just gotta firgure out what it is you wanna do then just go for it! At 23 I'm still trying to figure out what that is!! :/ good luck!

At least youre honest.. lmao!!

By the way, you look a funny colour in your pic... sea sick that day were ya? lol

01-04-2013, 06:47 AM
At least youre honest.. lmao!!

By the way, you look a funny colour in your pic... sea sick that day were ya? lol

It's the only one i have of me that doesn't make me cringe so much that my face screws up into a fist. Haha

01-04-2013, 07:10 AM
I was a full time Office Manager for a printed product distributor. Love my boss and what I do but was cut to part time 3 years ago. I am 46 with not much education and am having no luck finding another job.
You have to do something though. In my spare time I go to estate sales and buy and sell on ebay. It is fun, occupies my spare time constructively and I make decent $$ at it.
Would like to take some classes but don't know if at my age it is worth investing in.

01-04-2013, 07:45 AM
I was a full time Office Manager for a printed product distributor. Love my boss and what I do but was cut to part time 3 years ago. I am 46 with not much education and am having no luck finding another job.
You have to do something though. In my spare time I go to estate sales and buy and sell on ebay. It is fun, occupies my spare time constructively and I make decent $$ at it.
Would like to take some classes but don't know if at my age it is worth investing in.

Doesn't matter what age you are, you are never too old to try something new. I saw a news report a while back about an 89 year old grandmother who graduated from college with her grandson. I thought that waa awesome. I would love to start a new hobby, like photography or something..or cake baking , etc..I think I will.

01-04-2013, 08:09 AM
I work for a very large company dealing with motor claims. It's something I've done for over 5 years, so I know the job well. At the moment, because my anxiety is bad, my supervisor & I are putting together a plan so I don't feel overwhelmed if I'm having a bad day. If you apply for jobs & explain your situation, people will understand & accommodate for you.
Even if you don't know what you want to do with your life, it's worth doing something as it gives you a release to know that you are able to do things & a sense of independence.

01-04-2013, 11:01 AM
I am a Dental Hygienist part time. I went to hygiene school when I was 32 and graduated at 36. I was a dental assistant before that from age 19- 32. So its never to late. I love my job an my co workers and dearly love my boss who is a lady:) she truly understands more than a man would. Lol I can truly say that the days I work I have less anxiety and skip heart beats. When I am off and just hanging at home with my 4 yr old I have anxiety and heart skips pretty much the whole day. So I know that since I don't get them at work as much, I know that when I get it at home it's just anxiety. So that does help me get through the attacks at home a bit better.

01-04-2013, 11:32 AM
I'm a journeyman electrician...it's hard to cope at work because everything is go go go and it's hard go when my symptoms are at its peak when I'm working! I get dizzy, headaches, heart beats funny, stuff like that! Just real shitty

01-04-2013, 11:33 AM
Doesn't matter what age you are, you are never too old to try something new. I saw a news report a while back about an 89 year old grandmother who graduated from college with her grandson. I thought that waa awesome. I would love to start a new hobby, like photography or something..or cake baking , etc..I think I will.

Thanks, and I would love to learn something new. I don't think I am too old to learn I just don't have the money to waste if I feel I won't get hired just due to the job situation.

01-04-2013, 04:05 PM
Thanks for all the replies and sharing with me. I have had GAD since I was 19(I'm now 21),and developed agoraphobia last year for a while. I pushed my way out of it and although I do ok more often then not,I do have bad days or a series of bad days.That is what worries me,the uncertainty.That I will be able to do pretty good,but then all of a sudden I can hardly function. I admire all of you that keep up with your career. It's inspiring for me. I'm going to push myself to get a job. Unfortunately I live in a bit of a dead area so there isn't a lot of options and many are unemployed so hopefully I end up being able to find something I like as opposed to something that is a last resort.