View Full Version : Possible PVC/ PAC/ Heart Skipping Arrhythmia Cure

01-03-2013, 11:59 PM
This is not conclusive and I can't say for certain, but I think I may be onto something big here. Everybody here that gets heart skips or weird heart flutter type arrhthmias that drive you nuts and doctors tell you not to worry, please do this experiment for 1 week.

Do this starting now. Cut out all corn, gluten, dairy, soy, peanuts, eggs, and sugar. Do not eat anything that has any wheat or flour at all even in the least bit. Do not eat cheese, yogurt, milk, ice cream or butter. No soy even no soy sauce or teriyaki sauce. No sweets or any drink with sugar. Only 1-2 servings of fruit a day. No corn. Non gluten grains are quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth and rice. Although I say cut out rice for the time being in this experiment. No juice. Only drink is water or tea, and no honey. No coffee! Do not eat any meal with over 5 grams of sugar. Eggs can be a food allergen, so cut out all egg products. Cut out all alcohol. Make sure no gluten sneaking in any food at all! Do not eat or drink anything with artificial sweeteners including agave.

The data is not conclusive yet, but I think I am on to something, Please cut out all these foods for the next week 100% and see if your skips happen less. Obviously, real results may take 3 weeks, but if they happen at least less, then we know we are on to something. My guess is those with chronic skips will get results within 3 days.

You may lose 5 pounds in one week too and feel better. But the truth is, this may not help. But I have a good feeling about this. I was determined and I cured my panic disorder, so why can't I cure this? Some of you get this all day long and you will be the easiest lab rats for this because it will be clearest the results.

1 week is all I ask for a possible lifetime with no more heart skips. If it doesn't help, at least you ate healthy.

Let us know!