View Full Version : ABCD......Damnit I forgot the rest again.

01-03-2013, 06:59 PM
Hey out there. New to these forums. Can't even figure out how to add a picture to my profile but whatever. Worry about that later. A bit about me: I was diagnosed with Extreme depression and extreme anxiety last summer-ish (May 2011) by my college psychologist. I was SUPPOSED to get extra help outside of school cause I was a danger to myself but never did due to no health insurance which I have now. And I just didn't want to. Anyways I'm about to start going and when I came across this app I thought it was a great way to talk to people who are going through the same thing or similar. The only thing that separates me from everyone else is that it could just be a medication deprivement. Not anti depressants. No no. Because I'm fighting this without drugs. Anti depressants are my last resort. I was born without a thyroid and it never seems like the dosage is enough. Every time they raise it a little I feel that much more energetic to do things and to LIVE. When I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety I was taking 137 mcg of levothyroxine. Now, I'm taking 175. And don't tell me my damn body grew I was 18 or 19. Now I'm 21. I'm starting to look to a therapist but the damn truth is, I'm afraid. Afraid to tell them what I've been through, what I've seen. I'm afraid to talk about it with anyone. How will they understand anyways they will either not give a fuck or give the fakest reaction I've ever seen in my life. "here darling here's a tissue, now shove it" I am not one to tell sob stories for attention but sometimes it feels good to talk about it. I just think that the stories I tell changes their view of me or my family. Like I should be ashamed of me or my family or why didn't I do this or do that? Hkvhfjgchj but yeah I'll be posting shit here about my experiences. Nice to meet you all ha.

01-03-2013, 07:05 PM
Hi and welcome..... I'm pretty sure that psychiatrists and drs have heard a lot from patients and it won't be new to them. You must not lie or keep information about your health problems otherwise you may not get the required help. I think ur in the u.s? I'm in the u.k and had to seek private medical assistance because of my job. Any ways stay in touch and read some posts. We are all in the same boat trust me.

01-03-2013, 07:09 PM
Hi and welcome..... I'm pretty sure that psychiatrists and drs have heard a lot from patients and it won't be new to them. You must not lie or keep information about your health problems otherwise you may not get the required help. I think ur in the u.s? I'm in the u.k and had to seek private medical assistance because of my job. Any ways stay in touch and read some posts. We are all in the same boat trust me.

Thanks. Indeed I'm from the United States. And I will most definitely stay in touch. Thanks.

01-03-2013, 07:09 PM


01-03-2013, 07:13 PM
:) ^-^
