View Full Version : need to get this out

05-14-2007, 09:59 PM
hi all,

Im posting this tonight because I really don't know where else to turn. I have read many other people's posts about their social anxiety and I can't say that mine is much different but I just had a couple questions I wanted to ask and also I just feel like I have to get it out because I've literally only told one person about my problems (a psychologist I met with a few weeks ago).

I'm currently 20 years old and a junior in college. I have been very shy for my entire life but only since about 8th or 9th grade has real social anxiety began to show. Occurences would happen maybe a couple times a week in 9th grade, then towards the end of high school it would happen most days and now its an everyday, multiple times a day thing if im in social situations.

I get all the normal symptoms of SA. When I'm around people in basically every situation I begin to get very nervous. This has especially affected me in college, work, and obviously social situations. The main problem I have, that if i could get rid of I would basically be happy because everything else people cant really see. I blush more than anyone i've met in my life. Everytime i talk to somebody especially in confined situations such as in class my face gets bright red almost immediately. My heart also begins to beat fast, i sweat, and my voice gets very shaky but those things don't bother me nearly as much as my blushing. I need to re-iterate(SP?) that this blushing happens to me literally everyday in every social situation.

You may be wondering why I am posting this here if I have already talked to a psychologist. Its because I wasn't very impressed with her at all. She seems like a nice person but appears to kind of blow off my condition as shyness and maybe slight social anxiety. After I told her everything we began speaking about my past jobs...(I have been a server at several restaurants and a personal trainer)... the first thing she said about it was "maybe you should get a job in a stock room or something". Those were her exact words, no exaggeration. This bothered me because I would never expect a psychologist to say something like that and also because I actually like being around people and i like being in the service industry but i just can't handle it with SA. Honestly, I would classify my social anxiety as pretty bad because it has a huge negative effect on almost every aspect of my life. Before I went to see this psychologist I took it upon myself to do research on my problem and found a book called "Self Coaching." Its a book to help with anxiety and depression. All the concepts made a lot of sense to me and I can see how self-talk and thought process changing can help but it really hasn't help me much.

I Know that this was kind of long and I appreciate anybody who takes to time to read this and respond.

Does anybody have any advice for me?

Thanks again....

the big bad i said no!
05-15-2007, 11:52 PM
i really understand how you feel. my anxiety problem seems to envole a lot of social anxeity. your phychiatrist shouldnt have said that about a change in job! its not very profesional atall. i love to be around people too and crave to socialise but my SA stops me from ineracting properly.... well my friends that know i have these problems say i come across as quite confident when i talk to others, but i dont feel it. i always feel so distant and try to hide away from direct eye contact etc , especially from strangers. im uemployed at the mo and really want a job where i can interact with others but dont want to feel all this anxiety 'brimming' over inside when working. alot of self help books read like a dream and it sounds so easy to put all thier methods into practise (and ive tried) but when the situation comes around so does all the anxiety which changes everything and puts me back to square one. im about to start a course of c-b-therapy to help with anxiety/obbsessive thinking etc. i believe this will help alot and if this is a possibility for you, id recomend trying it. same as a self help book i suppose but with someone else to help!
if your therapist continues to be of no help there a plenty more! i live in the uk and it took me a while to find one that really listened and seemed to understand me. :) hope this info helps a bit, feel free in pm me for a chat if you want, always good to talk. muchos love :D

05-16-2007, 02:04 AM
Not only change psychologists, but complain to whoever his/her superior may be. Practice partner, anyone.

That response is totally wrong and unjustified :evil:

05-17-2007, 12:41 AM
thank you for responding. i guess i should look up some kind of therapy class. i have a question though... should i be seing a psychologist or a psychiatrist? i know the difference is that psychiatrists can prescribe medicine and psychologists cant but i just don't know which i should be seeing. are there even medicines that have been effective with controlling SA?

TWYI - I was definately considering complaining... the thing is that she is a psychologist at my university (and she's actually the most qualified one there too) so I don't know how seriously they would take me... the thing that sucks is that I get the psychologist services at my school for free and now I don't really feel comfortable going back there so I guess I'm going to have to find a job so I can pay to see somebody....