View Full Version : Not sure how much more i can take

01-03-2013, 04:08 PM
I'm absolutely terrified that these feelings are never going to stop. I've tried to stay positive but right now I'm struggling. I feel like I'm drowning and I want to scream. I'm scared I'm going to push my boyfriend away. Scared of upsetting my family. I'm so scared and overwhelmed right now. I'm trying to breath slowly but my heart is racing and I feel sick and dizzy. Please someone tell md it's going to be ok. Im so sorry for having a negative rant but I'm terrified

01-03-2013, 04:16 PM
The good thing is everything is gonna be ok you just gotta remember that keep it in your mind this will pass I felt the same way all day I know its hard to keep positive but you have too if u need someone to talk to u can message me its gonna be ok! They are just feelings

01-03-2013, 04:23 PM
Thank you so much :) I had a bit of a cry and I've calmed down a bit now. Just got that horrid overwhelming wave of emotion that comes over you! Seems silly now although I will probably feel like it again by tomorrow! We WILL get through this :) refuse to let it beat me. Thanks for your kind comment and feel free to message me too if you ever need to chat :)

01-03-2013, 04:31 PM
thanks you :)

01-03-2013, 05:39 PM
This is why I like this forum so much, we are here to help each other regardless of race, gender what have you. We experience the same symptoms of anxiety/depression and what not. And basically that's what we have in common. When we are at our worst any little positive reinforcements helps.

Lorna you are not alone here, I'm going through the same feeling you are having. It will pass it takes time but it will get better everyday. I know the feeling is very overwhelming. Be strong and positive we are in this forum to help one another with no prejudice. Feel free to message me. God bless!

01-03-2013, 05:45 PM
Yes Lorna I felt like i was losing my mind for about a week and a half, only being able to concentrate on the scary thoughts i was having leading myself in circles in my own head. I thought that i was dying. But you will be alright Lorna, it is a process but you will come back and be normal again. I am almost there I can see the light, well feel it. But never forget that there are people who care and love you and want to help.

01-03-2013, 05:47 PM
Thank you so much :) I had a bit of a cry and I've calmed down a bit now. Just got that horrid overwhelming wave of emotion that comes over you! Seems silly now although I will probably feel like it again by tomorrow! We WILL get through this :) refuse to let it beat me. Thanks for your kind comment and feel free to message me too if you ever need to chat :)

I get in this state quite often something just comes over me that makes me sit and cry my eyes out and my heart rate goes up, then I just think 'i can't do this anymore' but we can!!!!! X

01-03-2013, 10:43 PM
I'm absolutely terrified that these feelings are never going to stop. I've tried to stay positive but right now I'm struggling. I feel like I'm drowning and I want to scream. I'm scared I'm going to push my boyfriend away. Scared of upsetting my family. I'm so scared and overwhelmed right now. I'm trying to breath slowly but my heart is racing and I feel sick and dizzy. Please someone tell md it's going to be ok. Im so sorry for having a negative rant but I'm terrified

Trust me I'm going through that bielieve in me u will be ok I will get through it :) I know it's hard to think positive because ur anxiety were all here to help u :)

01-04-2013, 06:02 AM
Thanks guys :) you've all been so helpful and lovely :) I love this forum because everyone's so supportive and you just make me feel so much better :)

01-04-2013, 07:13 AM
You will get through it. I know how scarey it can be. In the beginning I felt like I wasn't even connected to my body and had almost like the bed spins. It passed and yours will too. The more you face it the smaller it will become.

01-04-2013, 07:40 AM
This is why I like this forum so much, we are here to help each other regardless of race, gender what have you. We experience the same symptoms of anxiety/depression and what not. And basically that's what we have in common. When we are at our worst any little positive reinforcements helps.

Lorna you are not alone here, I'm going through the same feeling you are having. It will pass it takes time but it will get better everyday. I know the feeling is very overwhelming. Be strong and positive we are in this forum to help one another with no prejudice. Feel free to message me. God bless!

Exactly!!!!! We are all in this together.

01-05-2013, 04:57 PM
keep your head up :)