View Full Version : Newbie

01-03-2013, 04:04 PM
Hi All,

I just thought I would introduce myself and say hi! I am a 31 single mother to a 6 year old. I have had depression/ anxiety on and off since my teens. It has been more prominent since my son was born. In the past six months my anxiety has gotten really bad. I have been monitoring it and have managed to cut out alcohol altogether. I wasn't much of a drinker beforehand but I did notice that whenever I had a drink I cried the next day, all day and felt suicidal. I thought it might be my hormones but have found that it happens at any time during the month. I try to make sure I get enough sleep to rule out tiredness. I really feel now that I need to go on meds to stabilise my mood swings and panic attacks. I guess I have generalised anxiety (I have a lot of stressors that I won't bore you with now) but I also tend to push people away and shy away from social situations if I feel in any way anxious. This obviously affects my work. When out driving this evening, someone beeped at me and I burst into tears. I can't carry on like this as I feel I'm going mad. Any advice would be really appreciated.


01-03-2013, 04:08 PM
Have you ever been on meds before?

01-03-2013, 05:05 PM
Hi All,

I just thought I would introduce myself and say hi! I am a 31 single mother to a 6 year old. I have had depression/ anxiety on and off since my teens. It has been more prominent since my son was born. In the past six months my anxiety has gotten really bad. I have been monitoring it and have managed to cut out alcohol altogether. I wasn't much of a drinker beforehand but I did notice that whenever I had a drink I cried the next day, all day and felt suicidal. I thought it might be my hormones but have found that it happens at any time during the month. I try to make sure I get enough sleep to rule out tiredness. I really feel now that I need to go on meds to stabilise my mood swings and panic attacks. I guess I have generalised anxiety (I have a lot of stressors that I won't bore you with now) but I also tend to push people away and shy away from social situations if I feel in any way anxious. This obviously affects my work. When out driving this evening, someone beeped at me and I burst into tears. I can't carry on like this as I feel I'm going mad. Any advice would be really appreciated.


Hi you sound a lot like me! I'm a 23 yr old mother of a 2yr old. I just started going to a therapist and with all my stressors they recommended me to go on medicine. So I was evaluated and got put on fluoxetine 20mg (Prozac) which I am on my 4th day of taking. I think you should try therapy before jumping into medicine and if they think you need medicine they'll take you down that road. It's so hard working and being a mom and having to deal w this. You can pm me anytime :)