View Full Version : Just an update....

05-14-2007, 09:46 PM

Today I saw my psychiatrist, (wonderful person I should mention), she actually took the time to try and understand and get down to the root of my problem/s. After I actually heard myself say these things to a perfect stranger I started to realize how many things could be causing me to experience these ODC/Anxiety issues. She asked questions about my family history, marriage, work, and personal life as a whole. I wasn't aware that I have so many things going on in my life that could be causing these symptoms....I guess sweeping them under the rug and making them seem non-existant didn't help ne but made them worse. She did say that the ativan and xanax were like big band aids covering up the problem and once removed would occur again in the future if I stopped taking them. But I am somewhat confused b/c she still put me on them (xanax) for sleep? But only for 3 weeks with a gradual down grade in dosage over those 3 weeks. She also put me on Lexapro for the anxiety. I was diagnosed with anxiety but not the cripling kind? Not very sure what that meant! Ne way I have an appointment in 3 weeks to see how the meds are doing and if it doesn't help she will dig deeper into my family history of bipolar / anxiety issues and recommend therapy if needed. Well sorry to drag on...will update at my next appointment. Thanks for the help

05-15-2007, 04:03 PM
Im really glad to hear its going well for you. Hope you continue to make good progress and enjoy getting the help!

Keep us posted 8)