View Full Version : Echo results/frustrated

01-03-2013, 08:38 AM
Yesterday I went to my echo appt. the girl at the front argued with me that I didnt have an appt scheduled at all. It kinda got heated. I was turned away just two days before because I was at the wrong office. I called when I got home to reschedule for yesterday. I have to find a babysitter every time I go to the doc, so, i wasn't budging on this one since it was their mistake. Ugh that girl upfront was so incredibly rude and unprofessional. Anyway, echo was done. Tech doing it was very kind and informative. She told me that if the doc doesn't call, then that's good. Well, my phone rang at 4pm that day. It was the doc. My heart sank. I began to panic. He called to tell me everything looked normal. Wtf?! He told me my hr was 123 starting the echo, and went down in the 90's as I got used to being there. He asked me if I've started anxiety meds yet. So there we go. Cardio doc thinks its all anxiety. So why doesn't my anxiety hit when I'm laying down? I only have anxiety standing? My hr is most always normal at home, sitting and lying. But as soon as I stand, it jumps 15-25 beats. From a steady 85bpm to 110 bpm. It's always incredibly fast in the shower too. Usually around 135. It's so much faster when I'm pregnant. I'm just at a loss right now. I still have more testing...holter and stress. Will that all show more? Apparently the structure of my heart is fine... I just don't know.


01-03-2013, 09:04 AM
The halter will monitor your rate and can tell if you heart is beating normal with it races. Which I am sure it will since you passed the echo:) the stress test lets them know when you heart rate gets high how the heart is beating and how fast it goes back to normal after you stop. It also checks the amount of blood flowing through your veins by how quickly it goes back to normal after. I had all rise tests done too not long ago. Girl you passed the Eco don't fret. My heart would do the same thing and skip beats. I could just stand up and boom. Always taking a hot shower raises you heart rate anyway. I do take a small bit of beta blocker to slow my heart rate down some. I don't like it going to fast. It sure helps me. I don't get that anymore when I stand up or walk around. He said it was anxiety. He said even if I feel calm it can still happen. Since taking the beta blocker I don't have hardly any panic attacks because it blocks your adrenalin too. Not to say I don't have anxiety but I don't panic as much. Before when my heart would race like that I would panic because I hate it. Some doctors don't want to give beta blockers unless necessary. I cut mine up in 4's and only take the smallest 1/4 at night. So I take very little. Just enough to keep my heart from going fast.

01-03-2013, 01:24 PM
Yesterday I went to my echo appt. the girl at the front argued with me that I didnt have an appt scheduled at all. It kinda got heated. I was turned away just two days before because I was at the wrong office. I called when I got home to reschedule for yesterday. I have to find a babysitter every time I go to the doc, so, i wasn't budging on this one since it was their mistake. Ugh that girl upfront was so incredibly rude and unprofessional. Anyway, echo was done. Tech doing it was very kind and informative. She told me that if the doc doesn't call, then that's good. Well, my phone rang at 4pm that day. It was the doc. My heart sank. I began to panic. He called to tell me everything looked normal. Wtf?! He told me my hr was 123 starting the echo, and went down in the 90's as I got used to being there. He asked me if I've started anxiety meds yet. So there we go. Cardio doc thinks its all anxiety. So why doesn't my anxiety hit when I'm laying down? I only have anxiety standing? My hr is most always normal at home, sitting and lying. But as soon as I stand, it jumps 15-25 beats. From a steady 85bpm to 110 bpm. It's always incredibly fast in the shower too. Usually around 135. It's so much faster when I'm pregnant. I'm just at a loss right now. I still have more testing...holter and stress. Will that all show more? Apparently the structure of my heart is fine... I just don't know.



Anxiety can make us feel a crapload of weird symptoms for which there is no easy answer. That's how it gets you. It sounds like your heart is in good working order. I think they're looking at other causes because they want to help and find an answer for you, not because they think any less of you. They've probably seen it 100 times. Anxiety can be scary, especially when you can't easily dismiss the symptoms. Be good to yourself. Have a bubble bath. Listen to calming music. Talk with a friend. Go for a walk. Just be good to yourself. You're worth it!