View Full Version : Random increased heart rate

01-03-2013, 06:39 AM
I was in the bath, I got out and went into my bedroom to put my clothes on and all of a sudden I felt dizzy and my lips where tingling (hyperventilating) then I felt my heart rate go up, a skipped beat and it was at 110bmp, I done some breathing then the tingling went away but still got increased rate of around 95bpm what the hell it was so random!

01-03-2013, 06:48 AM
Acute panic attacks are normal... I was like that a few weeks ago for 5 days and had my medication increased and when I felt better I went down to no normal dose. Not a nice feeling I know

01-03-2013, 06:50 AM
I was in the bath, I got out and went into my bedroom to put my clothes on and all of a sudden I felt dizzy and my lips where tingling (hyperventilating) then I felt my heart rate go up, a skipped beat and it was at 110bmp, I done some breathing then the tingling went away but still got increased rate of around 95bpm what the hell it was so random!

How do you know your heart rate? do you carry a heart rate monitor with you all the time now?

Slightly rude question, but what's your weight like for your age? normal, or are you over-weight?

01-03-2013, 06:52 AM
Acute panic attacks are normal... I was like that a few weeks ago for 5 days and had my medication increased and when I felt better I went down to no normal dose. Not a nice feeling I know

It's horrible! Thanks for your reply :) x

01-03-2013, 06:54 AM
How do you know your heart rate? do you carry a heart rate monitor with you all the time now?

Slightly rude question, but what's your weight like for your age? normal, or are you over-weight?

Lol no, I have a pulse!
Urm yeah, I am slightly over weight, on the doctors records when I get weighed every few months the graph shows that I am about 1cm above the normal line for my age, I am also 5ft7 and about 11 stone so yeah not skinny but not overweight/obese!

01-03-2013, 08:09 AM
Did ya stand up too quick? lol. That always makes me dizzy.

01-03-2013, 08:25 AM
Did ya stand up too quick? lol. That always makes me dizzy.

Lol no I don't think I did

01-03-2013, 11:32 PM
no offense but 95 aint shit lol mine has been 160 and higher.

01-04-2013, 05:11 AM
no offense but 95 aint shit lol mine has been 160 and higher.

I don't think it was a full blown anxiety attack, it was more the lead up of one.
When I have a proper attack, my heart rate ha went up to 160 plus, also my 02 level does go down! This is why I hate them! X