View Full Version : Anxiety about Work

01-03-2013, 03:04 AM
Hi all :) I am new to this forum so glad to have found it as I am having a really hard time with my anxiety.

My main trigger of my anxiety is my work. I work in a team of four my boss and her best friend make up part of that team. My boss in particular is bit of a game player and sometimes can do things that make question her intentions. As a person and a friend I don't really trust her. These two people are also part of my mothers group which makes it very hard to form a line of a professional relationship.

My anxiety actually stems from not being at work. I think all the worst case scenarios that they are trying to get rid of me, talking behind my back, don't value my privacy as a team member.

Today they rang to ask about my first years experience in industry as I didn't have that on my résumé and I went into an absolute attack and my thought process went to that they are trying to get me fired etc

I called my partner who works away and he was not much help he doesn't understand anxiety and tells me to just stop thinking it. I have a toddler at home and I hate having these attacks wile he is there with me.

I just don't know what to do about any of this. My partner is resentful of me leaving my job and I am nt sure if I am creating all these problems in my head or of they are there and I just can't handle it

01-03-2013, 02:40 PM
Any advice welcome