View Full Version : Anxiety is going away, but my depression is still there.

01-02-2013, 02:20 PM
Hello, I have only ever used these forums and looked up things online for helping my anxiety, but my anxiety is not nearly as bad as it was but I am still feeling depressed. Should i seek counseling or medication, I feel like I can handle this depression but when that anxiety hits it is unbearable sometimes.

01-02-2013, 09:47 PM
I think it would depend on the severity of your anxiety and the duration in which you have in depression ... Plus lifestyle is important to...

01-03-2013, 04:14 AM
I really, really recommend that you seek both.

It's really up to you whether you choose to take a medication route (prescription or natural) to help you deal with depression and anxiety (medication helps most people profoundly!), but having a psychologist and/or psychiatrist to help you manage the symptoms of depression and anxiety will definitely help you.

I would advise that you seek the opinion of your GP and go from there. Good luck and let us know how you go!

01-03-2013, 10:52 AM
Thank you both for the replies, I am going to a counselor today and I will let you guys know how it goes.

01-03-2013, 05:03 PM
Hello, back from the meeting with my counselor, the main concern is the depression and I have some panic issues but just going made me feel good and he had some good information. I still need to meet with another lady so she can do a medical evaluation to see what kind of medication would be best. I am already starting to feel better, really starting to wrap my head around the concept that it is all mental, still pretty tough though.

01-03-2013, 06:56 PM
Glad to hear that. Keep in touch .x