View Full Version : Desperate. Can anyone help?

01-02-2013, 12:28 PM
Ive suffered with anxiety in the past but never as bad as it is now. Today has been the worst, i cant have another day like today. I started a new job today and thats the only reason i can think of why the anxiety has come back. I've had to take 4 Imodium to stop the runs. I'm having chest pains, short of breath, keep going faint and feel soooo sick. I can't eat & I have lost over 30lbs in 8 weeks. Getting annoyed with people telling me I'm gonna be fine when I feel like its never going to go away. I just wanna feel normal again, I feel like its ruining my life, I am on propranonol and have just started fluoxetine. Can anyone offer ANY advice? I am now desperate xx

01-02-2013, 01:01 PM
Hey baibe, and welcome! I'm sorry that you're feeling poorly. It sounds like the anxiety definitely has a foothold with you. My suggestion would be to get into counseling, if that is an option for you. If it isn't, journaling your thoughts and feelings may help. You may also find that learning a 5-minute meditation can help calm you down. Whatever you do, also talk to your doctor. She needs to know what's going on with you in order to help you. And good for you for sticking it out at work! That had to be crazy hard!

01-02-2013, 01:09 PM
Thank you Sunnie. It was quite possibly the toughest day of my life today and knowing I have to do it again tomorrow is making me feel worse. I have got another doctors appointment on Monday so will ask to be referred to a counsellor then. It's gonna be difficult though as I can't really be taking time out of work right now. I've tried meditation but I cannot focus for long enough. Really desperate now x

01-02-2013, 01:20 PM
Was the other med a benzo? If so the dose might have been to high. Alankay

01-02-2013, 01:23 PM
Have you tried watching that Anxiety Revolution by Rich Presta, his views on anxiety have helped me alot. I am still suffering from some fits of depersonalization, like i feel dreamy all the time and nothing seems real. But I went through a whole week and a half of feeling like i was losing my mind with my heart rate and thoughts going out of control. But Baibe I believe in you too. You can get through this. But it is a process.

01-02-2013, 01:41 PM
Thank you I will try anxiety revolution.