View Full Version : diarrhoea, bowel cancer?

01-02-2013, 11:33 AM
This is really embarrassing but I just had diarrhoea, without any warning. I didn't even know it was coming, and ovbiously I couldn't make it to the bathroom because I didn't know I had to go. I haven't been able to go to the toilet for the past couple of weeks and I've had to kind of, stimulate my own bowels for me to be able to go. Ive also noticed 2 hard round marble shaped lumps in the crease of my groin on eitherside. I have had barely any apetite also. It has been a hot past few days so I don't know if that would have anything to do with it. It has just really, really scared me. It hasn't happened to me before unless I've been sick along with vomiting etc. and I felt fine, haven't heard of any bugs or anything going around. Sometimes I feel like I need to pass my bowels and then the feeling goes and I can't do it. The diarrhoea was watery with parts in it, like partially digested food or something. I know it's disgusting but I'm really, really freaking scared. It's 2:28am over here I took an alepam a few hours ago and im still not asleep. Has anyone had times where they haven't been able to make it to the toilet or they've just gone then and there with no warning? please help, my appetites been off (Ive barely been able to eat), I've felt nauseous, uncomfortable stomach, unable to pass bowels and now this (ontop of all the other anxiety symptoms - Headaches, body aches, brain fog, dizziness, panic attacks etc. etc.) I'm extra frightened because of the lumps on the inner crease of my groin :( do all woman have these? please respond so I can go to bed and sleep easy tonight, I need to wake up early in the morning for blood tests, I am so frightened :( please help me out

01-02-2013, 11:37 AM
Anxiety can cause very loose Stools. I go back in forth a lot. Sometime I can not even make it to the bath room.

01-02-2013, 11:40 AM
Anxiety can cause very loose Stools. I go back in forth a lot. Sometime I can not even make it to the bath room.

Oh and the lumps could just be a sun cyst. Nothing to worry about but def show it to your doctor. I had one in the same are for years and sometime it would get a tab bit sore but go away. Then about 3 mths ago it got infected and had to be drained. It's like a pimple under the skin but its hard. Like a boil.

01-02-2013, 12:45 PM
Hey, there. Have you ever been tested for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)? It can be brought on by anxiety, causing diarrhea and constipation. There are medications out there that can help, but the first thing to do is to go to your doctor and talk it over. Obviously, I'm not a doctor and don't know your medical history. I have IBS, and if you are an otherwise healthy person, it shouldn't disrupt your life too much. It can often be addressed without meds, just a diet change. And if its just anxiety, that's good to know, too. It's important that your doctor know the symptoms you are having so she can treat you the best.

01-02-2013, 02:23 PM
Also, I had the same thing! But I am male, but I was diagnosed with having salmonella poisoning, it's worth getting it checked out but is nothing to worry about to much my dear!

01-03-2013, 09:57 AM
I've posted this before but the Enteric Nervous System is the guts own nervous system and is effected by anxiety/stress states(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enteric_nervous_system). That's why in the old movies the stressed out big boss is always asking for a "bicarbonate of soda" for his upset stomach.:) :) Alankay

01-03-2013, 10:15 AM
During high periods of anxiety, I've had both the squitts and constipation (i.e. both ends of the shitty spectrum)

I will spare you the details but, suffice it to say neither was good for my dignity and pride, LOL