View Full Version : Tackling the cause.

01-02-2013, 03:07 AM
Hello everyone, I've recently been diagnosed with panic disorder and its beginning to get me down. They are fairly chronic, and I get faint, can't walk, can't talk and my hands/arms lock into fists and curl against my sides. This shut down in turn makes me panic more as I can't tell anyone/do anything to help myself if I'm on my own!! I'm not on any medication for it yet, but I'm fairly sure I know why it's started - and that's because of a situation I have been anxious about for years with a 'friend,' of mine. I need to talk to them to resolve things but I'm terrified of pushing them away and this in turn starts another attack off!

How do I tackle this?! It's a very frustrating, vicious circle isn't it?! Many thanks in advance!

01-02-2013, 06:39 AM
If talking to them is hard, maybe put it in writing. If they're a true friend i'm sure they'll get ove rit. Even if it does make them distant for a while. Time is a great healer.
