View Full Version : Will this help me out a little ?

05-12-2007, 09:22 PM
OK so I get in trouble a lot because I get unexcused absences and I never turn in a note that will excuse my absence. The school disciplines you by giving you a saturday school, which is in the cafeteria starts at 8:00 AM and ends at 12:30 PM. So basically the school does this not to punish you for what you did (EX. cut class and went to go get high or whatever the hell you did). They do this to help you become a more responsible person. Also, when my father invites me to go out with him and do something like shopping or sh*t like on the weekends I just say "I don't feel like going anywhere". I feel bad because I even missed my uncle's wedding 2 weeks ago on Saturday. Now do you think doing things and going somewhere even if by yourself will help me out with this anxiety that I have ? I think if I start doing things like that it'll just seem "normal" again like back in the days and put me back out there. I think I just have to think to myself that its not like Im being watched or judged all the time.

V for Victor
05-13-2007, 08:48 AM
What kind of anxiety do you have? Is it Social Anxiety Disorder?

Whatever it is, sitting around at home isn't going to help. (Speaking from experience there.)

It sounds like you're trying to keep your anxiety to yourself. Have you told anybody in your life about your problems?

As they say, the first step to solving a problem is admitting that you have one. How do you feel about telling a friend, teacher or family member?