View Full Version : Does anyone experience this?

01-01-2013, 09:23 PM
I find myself thinking something is going to happen almost constantly. Even though I have felt this way for months instead of feeling like I have proven it wrong I find my mind saying well we got through yesterday let's see if something will happen today. It is terrible. I get so happy at times and last night had an amazing night. Today it comes right back and it just always feels like tomorrow won't come. Then it does and it is time to repeat. At times my family will be having so much fun and I am just trying to enjoy it but I feel like I can't. I can't stand it. I always ask if I'm ok, and it's getting old to everyone. Of course I am. But why is it so hard for the mind to say ok you're right? Sometimes I'll get occupied and keep it at bay and when I sit down for a minute I'll feel it just come out of nowhere and it feels like it takes forever to get rid of it again. I don't get jittery always, sometimes I do if it gets out of hand, though. I just feel like what is wrong with me all the time and I hardly get the adrenaline feeling. It's just more of a doom feeling.

01-01-2013, 09:26 PM
Fear can feed itself. You feel afraid, so your body releases adrenalin to fight or flee,and then you actually feel ramped up, which feeds the fear. That's why breathing exercises are a great place to start.

01-01-2013, 09:28 PM
Also, my eyes always feel tired like I haven't slept even though I sleep 7 hours usually. I often can't sleep until 2-4 in the morning and then when I wake up later in the day it just makes my eyes feel like crap. I wish I could get that back on track, but usually I start feeling great around 1 a.m. (strange, but it's like this happy feeling out of nowhere) then I'm like no I don't want to go to bed and waste this. Then when I wake up it is like..ehhh not terrible during the day but toward the evening it is crap it is a repeating cycle.

01-01-2013, 09:30 PM
Fear can feed itself. You feel afraid, so your body releases adrenalin to fight or flee,and then you actually feel ramped up, which feeds the fear. That's why breathing exercises are a great place to start.

But I never breathe fast or feel ramped up. I just feel doomed. I do cry when the feeling reaches a certain point and then I do feel like I should breathe slower. I can be in the store and just feel tears building up and be like ok time to get out of here. Or I can be on the couch talking to my parents and feel the tears build up. It's so odd.

01-01-2013, 09:35 PM
Geez I feel like I'm just rambling on here, but putting stuff out there just makes you feel a little better. I have noticed it is like my mind doesn't even want to accept there is nothing wrong with me! The doctors and family members both tell me I'm fine, then my mind instead of doing what you would figure is the right thing to do and say ok good the tests are normal and noone notices anything to worry about from me.. No my mind says well crap something has to be let's find something.

01-01-2013, 09:54 PM
Also, my eyes always feel tired like I haven't slept even though I sleep 7 hours usually. I often can't sleep until 2-4 in the morning and then when I wake up later in the day it just makes my eyes feel like crap. I wish I could get that back on track, but usually I start feeling great around 1 a.m. (strange, but it's like this happy feeling out of nowhere) then I'm like no I don't want to go to bed and waste this. Then when I wake up it is like..ehhh not terrible during the day but toward the evening it is crap it is a repeating cycle.

I couldn't had written this better myself. That's exactly how I feel, word by word WOW! Pm me I bet we could laugh about our symptoms similarities.

01-01-2013, 11:41 PM
I feel EXACTLY the same. I no longer get the adrenaline feeling its just doom. Thinking am I going to pass out and die today?? It's horrible...

I too feel tired even after long sleeps. I get dizzy and feel like I'm walking around in a fog all the time. Sometimes I feel off balance or like the floor is moving then I start to panic and can't think about anything but the feelings and symptoms in having..

01-02-2013, 12:28 PM
I couldn't had written this better myself. That's exactly how I feel, word by word WOW! Pm me I bet we could laugh about our symptoms similarities.

Hi I am 14 my message thing won't work I am having a very hard time coping with this anxiety depression