View Full Version : A bad experience at school.

05-12-2007, 09:09 PM
OK so I went stoned to school last Friday and what happened really surprised me. I went behind the bleachers, behind some wall, a really nice place to get stoned but with the stupid School Resource Police Officer always patroling the sh*t out of it, kinda kills it so you trip out a lot. So I went back to school and for some reason everyone was looking at me hella strange. First of all, no one knows me. Because I don't talk to anyone. Then in the morning when I have P.E. class I saw some loners (Which are the mentaly disabled kind of people that usually have an aid with them) and I kept quiet to myself and I felt like a retard. Everybody in my class noticed because I was laughing my ass off and because my eyes were blood-shot. So everybody started telling me that Im a piece of shit and that Im a "Pendejo" witch means stupid in spanish. Yes Im Mexican so what ? Well anyways I was thinking to myself maybe people with severe anxiety, social anxiety, or depressed people are probably just retarded. Just my guess. I mean who here has a healthy social life right now ?

05-13-2007, 07:38 PM
fcuk you dude..no1 here is retarded..everyones got their issues it doesnt mean their disabled..i myself have a healthy social life even though i have anxiety it doesnt mean i dont see friends..if u think a person with anixety is considered on the same level as a mentally challenged person your fcukin ignorant..fcuk off

05-14-2007, 07:14 AM
Ok guys enough of the language already. Apart from that I'm with callmeshady on this one. Anxiety/depression does not mean that the person is mentally retarded. If you did enough research you would probably find that they are more intelligent because of the way their thinking works:

A lot a possibillities are explored before action is made which is why we worry and end up the way we are. It is simply a Cognative Behavioral Habit in which we have wound ourselves into. Our brain work fine prbably too fine and thats why we get scared - because subconcious probabilities are being thought about and we think the worst.

However - Getting stoned has a direct effect on your mental nervous system and can cause irreversible damage such as anxiety and depression.

Just to confirm - I too have a healthy social life.

05-15-2007, 04:06 PM
here here Jimmy B I agree completly.

R8DRN8SHN I think that the way people have treated you is terrible, but u shouldnt take insults seriously...they are just stupid kids, you should probably seek some help from your parents or a teacher at school of this kind of thing happens on a regular basis.

05-15-2007, 11:15 PM
Yeah, what a place to get stoned.


05-25-2007, 03:22 PM
OK so I went stoned to school last Friday and what happened really surprised me. I went behind the bleachers, behind some wall, a really nice place to get stoned but with the stupid School Resource Police Officer always patroling the sh*t out of it, kinda kills it so you trip out a lot. So I went back to school and for some reason everyone was looking at me hella strange. First of all, no one knows me. Because I don't talk to anyone. Then in the morning when I have P.E. class I saw some loners (Which are the mentaly disabled kind of people that usually have an aid with them) and I kept quiet to myself and I felt like a retard. Everybody in my class noticed because I was laughing my ass off and because my eyes were blood-shot. So everybody started telling me that Im a piece of shit and that Im a "Pendejo" witch means stupid in spanish. Yes Im Mexican so what ? Well anyways I was thinking to myself maybe people with severe anxiety, social anxiety, or depressed people are probably just retarded. Just my guess. I mean who here has a healthy social life right now ?

Fuck you. I am not "retarded" and the fact that you make fun of people for being mentally challenged says a lot about you.

I hope you develop a severe case of panic disorder one day from all your pot smoking (thats how I got mine).