View Full Version : please please someone help!!!

01-01-2013, 02:29 PM
I just had something jerk in the top right of my head then i felt like i was running a fever, pressure in head, head and face numb and tingling. My blood pressure was normal, heart rate was 97 and i wasnt running a fever. Ive had all kinds of weird things happen to me in the past two months after quitting paxil. Can anyone please tell me that im not losing my mind. Was it anxiety or something else?

01-01-2013, 02:52 PM
It's just one of those things. You're making too much out of it. Relax. Take a bubble bath, read some fiction, pet the dog. You're fine.

01-01-2013, 02:57 PM
It's just one of those things. You're making too much out of it. Relax. Take a bubble bath, read some fiction, pet the dog. You're fine.

Agreed always remember anxiety can do some messed up stuff make u feel some crazy stuff also I have a lot of stories I will never forget due to anxiety

01-01-2013, 02:58 PM
I agree relax. That use to happen very frequent to me and it actually hasn't happened in a while. It's just one of those things. Come to think of it since I started having chest pains three months ago I haven't had that jerk in my head. Maybe one anxiety symptom replaced the other physically or mentally. Maybe I've been caught up in my chest pain that I have noticed them.