View Full Version : I want to make money.

05-12-2007, 08:54 PM
OK Im 16 and I feel like Im not going anywhere. I couldnt even sleep last night just thinking about how everyone in my school is driving and has their own car nowadays. Including freshman. I think this is the main area that Im concerned right now. This has been bothering me for a couple of months. I felt like when I turned in job applications I didnt make a good impression on the workers because I didn't talk. I just simply turned in the application without saying much. I mean, whos gonna give a job to a person who has difficulties expressing himself and socializing with other people. Can anyone help me find a way to make money or give me some ideas ?

V for Victor
05-13-2007, 08:45 AM
It's sometimes hard to tell what is anxiety/depression and what it just being a teenager. I personally will not miss my teen years much at all.

If you're just wanting to make a little cash, there's always eBay. You can actually turn some nice profits from that.

If you're wanting more of a steady job, you may have to work on your anxiety a little. I might suggest medication if you find that it's something that's really crippling you. Otherwise, you might just be interested in trying some forms of therapy, perhaps? Speaking to a counselor can really help.

05-13-2007, 10:56 PM
You are only 16 and the whole world is before you. You may have difficulty expressing to someone in front of you, but you definitely can do it through the Internet. There are things like affiliate marketing. Plenty of resources are available on the net if you look for it.

Read up things like the Law of Attraction. It's all about Positive Thinking. Go to my website link to get a Free Report. But don't restrict yourself to this.

Take Care.

05-15-2007, 11:19 PM
Working on your socialization skills may help. After all, you'll face a lot more interviews sooner when you're old enough and really interested in nailing a job.
