View Full Version : Is this what caused my anxiety?

01-01-2013, 06:27 AM
I have been suffering with anxiety for about 10 months now I am 16 years old had 5 standard ECG a 24 hour ECG chest X-ray and blood work and all okay...... and it's all health related, I have this awful fear about my heart that its just going to stop beating, or I'm going to have a heart attack, I'm even petrified of fainting. My first attack was 10 months ago and after that attack I felt all these symptoms and the worries etc but there's only one thing I'm putting this all down to......

I got this text message in the middle of the night about a year ago saying my nana was in hospital and that she might not survive the night so I ran over in the middle of the night to say my goodbyes, I seen her go and watched her die which was terrifying for a 15 year old girl, I seen her the following day in her coffin this scared me for life.

And this is what I'm putting my health related anxiety down to.... Could anybody agree or think different? I'm just afraid of dying, feeling like I have something drastically wrong with me :(
I've got a check up at the hospital in a few weeks I'm going to ask for medication because its taking over my life badly I've tried everything :'( what's the best medication for somebody young? I don't want medication but I can't do it on my own anymore its changed my life badly ...

01-01-2013, 09:47 AM
I totally agree that's what did you in. The same happened to me the minute I had to fly to Florida because my mom kept getting hospitalized with heart failure. I wanted to make sure I got to see her and tell her that I loved her. When I flew to Florida no one said to us to prepare ourselves so in my heart part of me had a feeling that she would never make it out and the other part just hoped. The hardest part for me that in the hospital she was fine one day as if nothing happened and then the next she started getting worse. Seeing her suffer traumatized me. It doesn't matter how old you are. Loosing someone you live sooooo deeply hurts. Since then I've been living with chest pains.

01-01-2013, 02:39 PM
I have been suffering with anxiety for about 10 months now I am 16 years old had 5 standard ECG a 24 hour ECG chest X-ray and blood work and all okay...... and it's all health related, I have this awful fear about my heart that its just going to stop beating, or I'm going to have a heart attack, I'm even petrified of fainting. My first attack was 10 months ago and after that attack I felt all these symptoms and the worries etc but there's only one thing I'm putting this all down to......

I got this text message in the middle of the night about a year ago saying my nana was in hospital and that she might not survive the night so I ran over in the middle of the night to say my goodbyes, I seen her go and watched her die which was terrifying for a 15 year old girl, I seen her the following day in her coffin this scared me for life.

And this is what I'm putting my health related anxiety down to.... Could anybody agree or think different? I'm just afraid of dying, feeling like I have something drastically wrong with me :(
I've got a check up at the hospital in a few weeks I'm going to ask for medication because its taking over my life badly I've tried everything :'( what's the best medication for somebody young? I don't want medication but I can't do it on my own anymore its changed my life badly ...

I agree with Star. I'm sorry that you experienced such a trauma at such a young age. Give yourself a break. Don't judge yourself so harshly. Give therapy and medication a chance. You can beat this! I have faith in you!

01-01-2013, 03:49 PM
I agree with Star. I'm sorry that you experienced such a trauma at such a young age. Give yourself a break. Don't judge yourself so harshly. Give therapy and medication a chance. You can beat this! I have faith in you!

Thank you so much for your kind words it means a lot I'm going to get medication off my doctor soon as I can't do it alone x

01-01-2013, 04:07 PM
I have been suffering with anxiety for about 10 months now I am 16 years old had 5 standard ECG a 24 hour ECG chest X-ray and blood work and all okay...... and it's all health related, I have this awful fear about my heart that its just going to stop beating, or I'm going to have a heart attack, I'm even petrified of fainting. My first attack was 10 months ago and after that attack I felt all these symptoms and the worries etc but there's only one thing I'm putting this all down to......

I got this text message in the middle of the night about a year ago saying my nana was in hospital and that she might not survive the night so I ran over in the middle of the night to say my goodbyes, I seen her go and watched her die which was terrifying for a 15 year old girl, I seen her the following day in her coffin this scared me for life.

And this is what I'm putting my health related anxiety down to.... Could anybody agree or think different? I'm just afraid of dying, feeling like I have something drastically wrong with me :(
I've got a check up at the hospital in a few weeks I'm going to ask for medication because its taking over my life badly I've tried everything :'( what's the best medication for somebody young? I don't want medication but I can't do it on my own anymore its changed my life badly ...

Have u tried to check your vitamin D level ? I am sure it is the problem

01-01-2013, 04:56 PM
No how do you check that? And what is it?

01-01-2013, 07:11 PM
No how do you check that? And what is it?

Your doctor can do a simple blood test. It's estimated that abut 75% of Americans have a Vit D deficiency, so it's likely and common. I take Vit D gummies daily.

01-02-2013, 02:39 AM
Your doctor can do a simple blood test. It's estimated that abut 75% of Americans have a Vit D deficiency, so it's likely and common. I take Vit D gummies daily.

What does vitimn d do why would it have an effect on me causing anxiety.. how is it related?

01-02-2013, 07:39 AM
What does vitimn d do why would it have an effect on me causing anxiety.. how is it related?

Get your B12 checked too. I am low on b12, vit d and folic acid. I was having extreme anxiety And all those can cause that if your low. I take b12 shots 1 time a month. I still have anxiety but not to that point. I took vit d prescription for 4 weeks. I take folic everyday. My b12 is still low but not as low as before. So I have to be monitored for that.

01-02-2013, 09:28 AM
I didn't even know all that information you just told me I've found it so helpful! I'm going to the doctors and ill ask for a blood test, can they cause any harm to you accept give you anxiety etc? X

01-02-2013, 09:51 AM
I didn't even know all that information you just told me I've found it so helpful! I'm going to the doctors and ill ask for a blood test, can they cause any harm to you accept give you anxiety etc? X

Good idea to get tested first as it's NOT a good idea to just pump yourself with unnecessary vitamins & minerals if your body doesn't need it.
It'll be a complete waste of money & time.

If your diet is good + varied and your body is functioning properly, then you shouldn't need any supplements.

Having said that, if you are significantly low or high on a particular vit or mineral, you can experience symptoms.
If this IS the case, then you need to ask WHY the levels are so high or low. This is important.

I must say though, anxiety is driven by a malfunction of your thought process / mind.
Often, sufferers turn to supplements because they believe it is something physically wrong with their bodies.

01-02-2013, 10:10 AM
I didn't even know all that information you just told me I've found it so helpful! I'm going to the doctors and ill ask for a blood test, can they cause any harm to you accept give you anxiety etc? X

Yes they can. The B12 and folic controls major organs. Don't get alarmed. It has to be really low and anemic and then people like that just need more B12 and folic to keep it up. But if you google it, it can cause a lot of the same symptoms as anxiety. That was my problem. I was so stressed like never before. The D is very important too. It can mimic anxiety too. My b12 was 200. They say that below 400 need shots. But some doctors just say take a pill. But if you have problems absorbing a pill taking it won't help like with me. So I do shots. My neurologist found my B12. My reg doctor would never check it. They don't know a lot about that stuff cuz he said 200 was fine and just to take over the counter. My Nuroligist says 200 is borderline and we don't want it to get worse. My reg doc finally tested my D and that was low too. It's aggregating because doctors don't seem to want to check everything. Folic acid mimics the same. It's a b vit too that goes hand in hand with B12. So I have to take that too.

01-02-2013, 10:17 AM
Good idea to get tested first as it's NOT a good idea to just pump yourself with unnecessary vitamins & minerals if your body doesn't need it.
It'll be a complete waste of money & time.

If your diet is good + varied and your body is functioning properly, then you shouldn't need any supplements.

Having said that, if you are significantly low or high on a particular vit or mineral, you can experience symptoms.
If this IS the case, then you need to ask WHY the levels are so high or low. This is important.

I must say though, anxiety is driven by a malfunction of your thought process / mind.
Often, sufferers turn to supplements because they believe it is something physically wrong with their bodies.

Yes do not just jump to taking vitamins. You can have to much if your taking a lot. But just get the tests to rule out any deficiencies. Anxiety can be driven by malfunction of though process because I still have it. But when it gets extreme and you have never been like that you have to rule out other things. And being low in these vit that I were low in will cause more anxiety. I have seen a big diff since I was diagnosed. I could not even leave the house. Now I may get anxious about something an stressed but I can do more than before and feel better. If you google the symptoms of low B12, folic and D you will see they all have depression, anxiety, twitches, tingling etc.

01-02-2013, 10:24 AM
Hi guys thank you very much for all your information!
I'm at the doctors on Friday and I'm going to mention this to him, so I'm asking for
Vitamin D
Vitamin B12 tests?
I will tell this to him and google that now!
My anxiety is around 80% bad that's what makes me agree with the deficiency, plus I get a lot of symptoms.... Probably just anxiety but ill get checked thank you so much

01-02-2013, 12:22 PM
Hi guys thank you very much for all your information!
I'm at the doctors on Friday and I'm going to mention this to him, so I'm asking for
Vitamin D
Vitamin B12 tests?
I will tell this to him and google that now!
My anxiety is around 80% bad that's what makes me agree with the deficiency, plus I get a lot of symptoms.... Probably just anxiety but ill get checked thank you so much

Some don't want to test for those. I had the same prob till I went to a Nero doctor. I had tingling legs, leg twitches, eye twitches, very tired, anxiety through the roof and I new even with all the anxiety I have it was never this bad. There were days I could hardly stand. Always panicky. I knew I had never been that anxious before. So he did a B12,folic acid test and it came back low so he has me on B12 shots. My reg doc checked my D about 3 mths ago because if my skipping heart beats and that was low. So have him check all 3 for you. If its just anxiety and not vit related that would be great for you. But mine is not. I have to take shots for the rest of my life. And it's just not old people it can happen at any age. So if he won't do it find another doc that will. It will put you mind at ease too

01-02-2013, 01:02 PM
I'm sceptical of vit / mineral supplement because I don't believe it is a cure. However, if you HAPPEN to be low or high on something then POSSIBLY this is causing symptoms which ADD to the anxiety.
I stress... ADD.
Your underlying anxiety will remain.

I'm betting that in Nicoles case, she is hoping that taking supps. will stop heart palps - since these scare the shit out of people. Cant blame you on this.

I tried B12 (supposed to help maintain a healthy nervous system) & multivits daily for a good 3 months. Didnt make any difference to me whatsoever

Im currently feeling like my old self again (after a hicup during moving house) & guess what... NO MORE PALPS. No more symptoms. Its GONE... completely.
Why? coz the house is now sorted & im calm again.

I swear blindly this is a mind driven ailment but I agree that anything physical will make the "what ifs" worse.

01-02-2013, 03:21 PM
Is my body functioning properly ? Urmm I hope so lol, however my diet isn't the best, I'm improving that since today with my diet and more excersice I'm going for that blood test next week as I can relate to the symptoms as my anxiety is sky high and it never seems to go away its like a 24 hour thing it's so bad

01-02-2013, 05:00 PM
So is your body functioning properly?

You keep telling yourself that . Your body is connected to your brain . Anything that effects one will effect the other .

When you drink , is it the physical action, thinking and doing ,of drinking that make you feel ill the next morning or is it the product being removed from your body?.

I understand you are skeptical of vit / mineral supplement because you don't believe it is a cure. But that is not what they are .

They are simply a aid . Yes some people become low but normally that can be sorted out really quick by looking into a persons lifestyle . For example if you drink 20 cups of tea a day and are low in iron then those cups of tea and their contents are more than likely causing that . So one would stop the tea but they would also add some iron in there to raise their iron faster than it would take to have to go and eat a cow a day for a week .

The difference between supps is that they are natural , they dont have the side effects that modern drugs have . For example Cholesterol drugs , just check the list of side effects . Now we go the natural way with fish oil , red rice yeast , diet changes , good oils too counteract the bad oils, even adding whole grains and oats for breakfast. These things are natural and the body will take them and use them without side effects.

The thing is that its not about being deficient in something . Its about using something that will aid in the recovery and help the symptoms along the way. Just the same as just because you take a benzo , SSRI you are not deficient in them . Your using them to aid your body.

Magnesium is a classic in that blood test don't prove whats being used but whats there . Now a person with stress / anxiety would use more than a person that is healthy but it may not be able to get it . Many supps can be taken and the body will dump what it does not use . Hence why you pee is yellow with Vit B

This brings me back to your comment about if your body is functioning properly, blood tests are taken from 100 people and then the range is set at the average .So 100 healthy people would need a magnesium level of lets say 5. But let me ask you if those 100 people had anxiety, do you think that the average would be the same . But lets get away from anxiety and lets say 100 sports people in full training . Would you think that there levels should also fall in that range or that the fact that they are in training that their body uses and needs more . Averages over 100 people is a laod of crap because nobody knows what those 100 people are . What if we toss a few people in with cancer , aids , depression , with the flu . All these are going to effect the averages .

Treatment with supps is more about looking at the symptoms and working out how to fix them . Modern drugs are more looking at the symptoms and covering them up so you can live your life . This is fine if its what you want but its important to remember they are always there , yet covered .

Now you say that its all a mental problem and its all your thoughts . Again it takes things , chemicals and hormones to make all those symptoms. In someone with anxiety that has so many symptoms it takes so much more to make those chemicals and hormones . Just the same as a mini does not use the same amount of fuel as a V12 Jag.

SSRI , benzos keep chemicals in the brain but they dont add anything to the body . But supps can do the same job and add what is missing in the first place .

Its simply to say but there is not a test to prove that it is low . But then there is not one to prove its low is SSRI either is there .

Its simply hit and miss but with the natural stuff the side effects are mild and not knocking on your ass sort.

For me taking just a vit b supplement did not help. My body does not absorb it on its on with pills. So I have to do the shots. I felt no better taking the b12 pill. I am low on d and folate too. I was taking d vit and it did not help. Had to take a proscription d to bring my levels back up. So sometimes just taking a supplement is not enough to help you. When I started the shots it took a good few months to get my b12 level up enough to make me feel a difference. I do feel a lot better with symptoms now but still working to get it up higher. Even eating things with b12 did not raise my enough. So sometimes you have to take meds.

01-02-2013, 05:30 PM
I agree

You know weather you call it a med or a supp , its really the same thing but a different way .

I am not sure if i am reading this right but you said that Vit D didnt help but yet a proscription for it did. Is this because you could not get the higher dose needed and had to get the OK from a doctor first . I would have thought they where both the same. I know here that it works like this on a few things . Melatonin is one i can think of, safe but best form is via doctor , the only stuff you can get is very mild with very little prue product in it.

Magnesium is another that can be delivered so many ways and from my understanding the oil is the best way as its direct where the tablet lose alot in the gut .

Loved those Vit B12 shoots , had them years ago and felt so good . Except learned to hate the needle coming up after a while. :)

Eating also can be hard to get what you need . I think someone told me years ago to get what you get from one Vit C tablet you would have to each 100 oranges.

Nicole . Little steps is all it takes . Try to focus on one day at a time .

Yes I just needed a higher dose of the d for 4 weeks. He said if I just did the vit it would take to long and to many. So we just did the prescription d. I have to get re tested in 2 mths again to see if I am still at normal limits. I was after 1 mth of the d but just have to keep checking now incase it falls again.

01-03-2013, 04:43 AM
So is your body functioning properly?

You keep telling yourself that . Your body is connected to your brain . Anything that effects one will effect the other .

When you drink , is it the physical action, thinking and doing ,of drinking that make you feel ill the next morning or is it the product being removed from your body?.

I understand you are skeptical of vit / mineral supplement because you don't believe it is a cure. But that is not what they are .

They are simply a aid . Yes some people become low but normally that can be sorted out really quick by looking into a persons lifestyle . For example if you drink 20 cups of tea a day and are low in iron then those cups of tea and their contents are more than likely causing that . So one would stop the tea but they would also add some iron in there to raise their iron faster than it would take to have to go and eat a cow a day for a week .

The difference between supps is that they are natural , they dont have the side effects that modern drugs have . For example Cholesterol drugs , just check the list of side effects . Now we go the natural way with fish oil , red rice yeast , diet changes , good oils too counteract the bad oils, even adding whole grains and oats for breakfast. These things are natural and the body will take them and use them without side effects.

The thing is that its not about being deficient in something . Its about using something that will aid in the recovery and help the symptoms along the way. Just the same as just because you take a benzo , SSRI you are not deficient in them . Your using them to aid your body.

Magnesium is a classic in that blood test don't prove whats being used but whats there . Now a person with stress / anxiety would use more than a person that is healthy but it may not be able to get it . Many supps can be taken and the body will dump what it does not use . Hence why you pee is yellow with Vit B

This brings me back to your comment about if your body is functioning properly, blood tests are taken from 100 people and then the range is set at the average .So 100 healthy people would need a magnesium level of lets say 5. But let me ask you if those 100 people had anxiety, do you think that the average would be the same . But lets get away from anxiety and lets say 100 sports people in full training . Would you think that there levels should also fall in that range or that the fact that they are in training that their body uses and needs more . Averages over 100 people is a laod of crap because nobody knows what those 100 people are . What if we toss a few people in with cancer , aids , depression , with the flu . All these are going to effect the averages .

Treatment with supps is more about looking at the symptoms and working out how to fix them . Modern drugs are more looking at the symptoms and covering them up so you can live your life . This is fine if its what you want but its important to remember they are always there , yet covered .

Now you say that its all a mental problem and its all your thoughts . Again it takes things , chemicals and hormones to make all those symptoms. In someone with anxiety that has so many symptoms it takes so much more to make those chemicals and hormones . Just the same as a mini does not use the same amount of fuel as a V12 Jag.

SSRI , benzos keep chemicals in the brain but they dont add anything to the body . But supps can do the same job and add what is missing in the first place .

Its simply to say but there is not a test to prove that it is low . But then there is not one to prove its low is SSRI either is there .

Its simply hit and miss but with the natural stuff the side effects are mild and not knocking on your ass sort.

As far as I'm concerned, my body doesn't function as I deem "properly" when my mind is not.

I had an awful night's sleep last night and feel somewhat pants today.

My personal anxiety seems to be very black and white. For others, it seems more complicated.