View Full Version : Heart !!!

01-01-2013, 02:58 AM
Does anyone else obsess with their heart and have real symptoms ?? I was in bed lastnight and I got a sinking feeling in my chest as if my heart was slowing right down the bang it started pounding really fast and I started shaking and felt really nervous, I do have a mild heart Complaint but have it checked every 18 months and its always been fine and I've had these feelings for almost 9yrs on and off so sury if it was my heart they would have picked something up right ??

01-01-2013, 03:21 AM
Does anyone else obsess with their heart and have real symptoms ?? I was in bed lastnight and I got a sinking feeling in my chest as if my heart was slowing right down the bang it started pounding really fast and I started shaking and felt really nervous, I do have a mild heart Complaint but have it checked every 18 months and its always been fine and I've had these feelings for almost 9yrs on and off so sury if it was my heart they would have picked something up right ??

In bed on NYE?? thats a sin...

Sounds like a panic attack. The sinking feeling was probably an indication of an impending attack.
Sufferers often report such a sensation in their chest + stomach at the start of an attack. Its similar to that of depression, where waves of hollowness + sinking or heaviness is felt in chest/guts on a regular basis.

The rest is obviously classic fight/flight.

Whats your heart complaint, by the way?

01-01-2013, 03:35 AM
Pulmonary stenosis,it was 2am id had a couple of glasses of wine but I'm doin my partying today all day which I'm now nervous about incase I have another lol x

01-01-2013, 03:52 AM
Pulmonary stenosis,it was 2am id had a couple of glasses of wine but I'm doin my partying today all day which I'm now nervous about incase I have another lol x

Ah ok... youre excused! ;-)

Well, its almost guaranteed that you'll get a bit nervous leading up to the party. Anxiety feeds on excitement / anticipation / worry & of course stress so expect some turbulance, so to speak.

All perfectly normal though me old love... you'll be jussssttttt fine.

Enjoy & happy new year x

01-01-2013, 04:26 AM
Thanks dazza happy new year to you too

01-01-2013, 04:27 AM
The biggest worry I have with my anxiety is all heart related I don't have a clue why because my heart is perfectly normal and I have had about 5 standard ECG, a 24 hour ECG! Chest X-ray and blood work! But I worry over my heart for some particular reason it's laughable at my age!

01-01-2013, 05:47 AM
Right there with you. Constantly afraid of a heart attack due to the chest pains. I used to be in such good shape and now just carrying a laundry basket up the stairs gets me out of breath. I don't know if it really does or if I cause it. I catch myself not breathing properly all the time which is classic of people with anxiety.