View Full Version : Wanting to meet people!

12-31-2012, 12:46 PM
Hey guys, I'm Amy and 22 years old. Ive been dealing with an acute eating disorder and anxiety for quite some time. Anyways this is my story and I'd love if I get some feedback or messages :)

Usually people associate with eating disorders with bulimia or anorexia. I'm none. I have a fear of throwing up and it's called emetephobia. Recently I threw up from a stomach bug and I stopped eating because I'm scared to eat. I've thrown up before in my younger years but after a couple of weeks I got better and ate. I was never put on meds for this because I coped. But this time it's different, I just don't want to eat anymore. The sight of food makes me sick. But there might be a reason why...

I recently just found out my bf has been cheating on me so we broke up. I am super sad and that might trigger why I'm not eating. Im the type of girl who wants a relationship, I feel like I need a guy to give me support. Don't get me wrong I have great support from my family and friends but in my mind I need a guy. They calm me down, I never have anxiety when I have a relationship, and I eat a lot!

So anyways I do see a therapist and I just joined this forum so I can meet people! Feel free to write back I am desperate to talk to people who also have anxiety!

12-31-2012, 03:42 PM
Hey there, Amy, and welcome! The fear of throwing up is something that many people on this site have expressed, we just didn't know the name for it. I think you will find support and comfort here. A lot of us also have relationship issues. The fact that you acted so decidedly when you found out he was cheating is something I rarely see. Good for you! I'm sure that you will find a good man eventually.

12-31-2012, 04:44 PM
Thanks doll! Yeah it's just hard because I honestly want and need to gain weight. 100 lbs 5'6. I love food and want to eat enjoyably not forcing myself you know? But today was a good day, I devoured one of my favorite burgers from 5 guys haha! Im reading a lot of messages here and it breaks my heart to see so many people dealing with anxiety. I'm glad I joined though because I can relate and not feel so alone.
It's new years eve and we should start making our resolutions! What are some of yours?

12-31-2012, 06:22 PM
Thanks doll! Yeah it's just hard because I honestly want and need to gain weight. 100 lbs 5'6. I love food and want to eat enjoyably not forcing myself you know? But today was a good day, I devoured one of my favorite burgers from 5 guys haha! Im reading a lot of messages here and it breaks my heart to see so many people dealing with anxiety. I'm glad I joined though because I can relate and not feel so alone.
It's new years eve and we should start making our resolutions! What are some of yours?

I actually don't have any. I didn't even realize that it was New Years Eve.

12-31-2012, 06:36 PM
I just made my list. So if you don't mind me asking, what are solve of your worries? I'd like to help even if it's just listening.

12-31-2012, 06:43 PM
Hi & welcome Amy!

12-31-2012, 06:50 PM
Hi! How are you doing? I just made this so hopefully I'll have people to talk to. If you don't mind me asking, what are your worries about and what are your techniques for coping?

12-31-2012, 06:54 PM
Welcome Amy.

12-31-2012, 06:57 PM
Hi! Alan right? How are you doing?

12-31-2012, 07:07 PM
Hi! How are you doing? I just made this so hopefully I'll have people to talk to. If you don't mind me asking, what are your worries about and what are your techniques for coping?

I'm doing well at the moment. Having some wine to relax. My worries usually center around my health even though the doc says I'm healthy. I often suffer derealization, aches, fatigue, tight chest, hard to breathe, the usual symtoms. I find that yoga helps me the best. I also drink chamomile tea and journal my thoughts. It's all helpful but still a struggle every day. Hope you find this forum as helpful as I have!

12-31-2012, 07:23 PM
I'm doing well at the moment. Having some wine to relax. My worries usually center around my health even though the doc says I'm healthy. I often suffer derealization, aches, fatigue, tight chest, hard to breathe, the usual symtoms. I find that yoga helps me the best. I also drink chamomile tea and journal my thoughts. It's all helpful but still a struggle every day. Hope you find this forum as helpful as I have!

Omg! I worry about my health all the time as well. I'm such a hypochondriac. And the worst thing is I research online all the time about the symptoms I have or reading upon bizarre disease thinking I have it. I tried yoga and i loved it I haven't been in awhile but will start up this upcoming year. I drink chamomile tea as well and write in my journal. It is a struggle and I know anxiety is a normal feeling but sometimes it can really take a toll on me.
Here's an example, I just got over the stomach flu and if you read above I'm afraid of throwing up so it is a little struggle for me to eat. Anyways so i developed a little heart burn and acid reflux, it scared me so bad! I thought I had ibs to hiatal hernia to even gall stones. I was a mess, I researched non stop and when I went to the doctors they just told me I was constipated and I should take Zantac. It helped but time to time I get pressure right below my sternum and it burns when I eat or drink alcohol so I'm guessing it is a little irritated? That's what my doc told me but I'll probably go back again next week and see if it's getting better. So I can definitely relate with the health thing.

12-31-2012, 07:32 PM
Omg! I worry about my health all the time as well. I'm such a hypochondriac. And the worst thing is I research online all the time about the symptoms I have or reading upon bizarre disease thinking I have it. I tried yoga and i loved it I haven't been in awhile but will start up this upcoming year. I drink chamomile tea as well and write in my journal. It is a struggle and I know anxiety is a normal feeling but sometimes it can really take a toll on me.
Here's an example, I just got over the stomach flu and if you read above I'm afraid of throwing up so it is a little struggle for me to eat. Anyways so i developed a little heart burn and acid reflux, it scared me so bad! I thought I had ibs to hiatal hernia to even gall stones. I was a mess, I researched non stop and when I went to the doctors they just told me I was constipated and I should take Zantac. It helped but time to time I get pressure right below my sternum and it burns when I eat or drink alcohol so I'm guessing it is a little irritated? That's what my doc told me but I'll probably go back again next week and see if it's getting better. So I can definitely relate with the health thing.

Girl you sound like me! I had myself convinced earlier I had appendicitis from just stomach pain. I have learned not to google my symptoms too much because I ended scaring myself and it makes my anxiety worse. You will find that there are a lot of hypochondriacs here. My last doctors visit was for acid reflux and I was put on nexium. It helped my heartburn and reflux but I think I have undiagnosed IBS as well. Nausea usually effects my appetite. I've lost weight because of it. How often do you eat since you're afraid?

12-31-2012, 08:06 PM
I'm so glad I found you, we both are dealing with the same issues. Yeah I literally stopped researching because it really does scare me. How old are you if you don't mind me asking? I feel nausea as well when I eat but I know it's because I'm so hungry or anxious. I adapted to the feeling of hunger, I like it better then being full. It's really bad but through my years I've coped and to say I've even gotten better but when I threw up last month it triggered it so I'm back to square one. I try and eat 5 small meals a day because I'm trying to gain weight and it's a great way to speed up metabolism, but right now I'm struggling to manage three meals a day. How about you?

12-31-2012, 08:16 PM
:) Im Melissa by the way. I'm 29. I have only been dealing with severe anxiety for 3 months but it's been the worst 3 months of my life. That's really good you're trying to eat 5 small meals. I need to do that instead of 3 because I think my protion size makes me feel worse. I notice when I do eat I feel really bloated and it makes it harder to breathe.

01-01-2013, 02:58 PM
Nice to meet you! Um yeah I think you have to eat smaller portions through out the day. I just hope this new year will bring out the good in us! It's Crazy how anxiety gets worse. I mean I use to go to the doctors and they would do the usual testing and tell me I'm fine. But now this past month I started questioning the doctor?! I mean I have never done that and here I am looking for a new doctor. It's like I want to have a disease. Seeing a therapist really helps though and I did get better but after the stomach bug my anxiety flared up. Are you looking into maybe seeking counseling?

01-01-2013, 07:19 PM
Nice to meet you! Um yeah I think you have to eat smaller portions through out the day. I just hope this new year will bring out the good in us! It's Crazy how anxiety gets worse. I mean I use to go to the doctors and they would do the usual testing and tell me I'm fine. But now this past month I started questioning the doctor?! I mean I have never done that and here I am looking for a new doctor. It's like I want to have a disease. Seeing a therapist really helps though and I did get better but after the stomach bug my anxiety flared up. Are you looking into maybe seeking counseling?

I'm the same. I want so bad to believe them but it's hard when your mind and body tells you something isn't right. I am looking into seeing a therapist. I know I need it.

01-04-2013, 03:35 PM
How are you feeling now days? I read your post about going to a store and staying in congrats! I was also curious that you said your anxiety started roughly 3 months ago. Do you know what triggered it? If its too personal then no need to tell, I'm glad your getting better :)

01-04-2013, 04:11 PM
Hey! I was doing good until today. I woke up fine but slowly just felt exhausted which triggered my anxiety and I started panicking. Thought I was going to pass out but I didn't. Even called my doc but he wasn't in. So now I'm just home feeling tired and really on edge. Wish this would just pass. How are you doing?

01-04-2013, 05:15 PM
I'm sorry girl I hope it gets better. I've been feeling good, saw my therapist today. I started 25 mg of Zoloft today so hopefully it goes well. I took it before for 6 months and stopped but I'm gonna start it up again because of my recent break up with the ex and my eating issues. I forgot if I asked you or not but do you take/or interested in any medication?

01-04-2013, 05:20 PM
I did some yoga and it helped a little. I'm so glad you're doing well! It's hard here for me because my husband is deployed (he's in the military) so I'm alone a lot. I wad trying to manage my anxiety more naturally but I'm not really getting better. It's days like this that make me realize I probably need medication and therapy. Going to see my doctor next week about it.

01-04-2013, 05:33 PM
Omg girl I totally oppose medicine for mental illnesses, but my circumstances really brought me to take Zoloft. It's ok though it's just for 6 months. I don't want to be like other people who take it for years and years. It will make your body dependent on it and it and I dont want that. Yoga really does help and I'm gonna go back next week. I'm glad that your doing it as well. I'm sorry your husband is deployed :( I hope he comes home safely! I'm just 22 and I know I have my whole life ahead of me so my anxiety is just college, getting into graduate school and my eating habits so I'm learning to cope. Going to school and work really help me with my anxiety so it's when I'm home alone that triggers the anxiety. I recommend you NOT to go on medicine if your coping well for the most part no need to mess your brain up with the serotonin. You'll get through this, keep doing your yoga and eat healthy! Do you have any pets or close friends that you hang out with and talk?

01-04-2013, 05:45 PM
You're smart not staying on meds for too long. I've heard a lot of people becoming dependent on them. I know the stress of school too. I am 29 but working on my bachelor's. I will be done this summer. I do have my family here and I have pets so they do help. Sometimes it's just not enough though. Like today I forced myself to go eat with my parents and brother and felt horrible the whole time. But I guess I should be thankful I don't feel that way every day. It's just an off day but hate how it sets me back.