View Full Version : Bedtime anxiety.

12-31-2012, 12:19 AM
Does anyone else find themselves battling anxiety right before they go to sleep? What's a good way to deal with this... It should be a relaxing time but most of the time it's full of worries and anxiety attacks. Also I keep having this tightness in my chest and of course I know it's from being so anxious, I just keep working myself up thinking something is wrong with me. :(

12-31-2012, 12:24 AM
Yes I generally don't have an attack at night. I just feel the feeling that I call unexplainable around 7 and it goes away around 1. I have no idea why but it is like clock work. I'm sure it's becuase I'm subconsiously waiting for it. I wish I could give you advice, but I still haven't found out how to stop mine. I know it'll take a lot of will power, but I am still trying. I find talking on skype with a friend or loved one really helps me.

12-31-2012, 12:27 AM
Thanks. I do text people but sometimes I just feel like a bother.. Watching TV helps at times also. I just wish I could wake up one day without worries or anxieties but I know that will never happen. :(

12-31-2012, 12:35 AM
You have to change your mind set. I know that will never happen will not help. I know it seems like it is impossible, but you have to keep believing that one day it'll get better, and it will. Our mind puts up a defense for what it thinks it is stopping, which is why when we try to think positive it tries to take back over. Because it feels like if you get positive you are letting your guard down. But in all honesty, ask yourself. Most likely nothing is going to happen, so why worry? If it does, thinking about it and putting your guard up will not change the outcome, it'll only make your time less enjoyable.

Here I am saying all of this while at the same time trying to convince myself.

12-31-2012, 12:39 AM
What you say does make a lot of sense, but sadly we both know things are much easier said than done. I know we will both get through it though. Eventually. :)

12-31-2012, 12:43 AM
Yes much easier said than done is correct. I have told myself a hundred times what I tell other people to help and it's like my mind has selective hearing. I know it's true, but can't fully believe it, you know? It's like no matter how much you trust the people that are telling you that you are ok and healthy there is always that constant fear in your head that feels like it is fighting to stay.