View Full Version : Worries about pulse.

12-31-2012, 12:10 AM
Well I believe my heart is normal. I'm only 19 and have had a normal ekg very recently. But as I was just laying and trying to go to sleep of course I check my pulse (I know that is not a good thing to do while trying to get over anxiety.) It was 62 and even though that's a pretty normal number (I think) it freaked me out because it is always around the high 70's to mid 80's when I check it usually. I got this fear that it would get too slow and quit or something or not get enough blood or oxygen through my body. Is it normal for a pulse to drop that low at night?

12-31-2012, 12:41 AM
Hey there. I think you're over thinking things and causing your pulse to race at times. I think you need to stop checking it. You're fine.

12-31-2012, 12:47 AM
Is 62 a good pulse? I'm 5'7 and thin. I know I could just look it up but I am gonna do the smart thing for the night and NOT look that up and open a can of worms.

12-31-2012, 01:21 AM
lol I would kill for a pulse as low as yours.

12-31-2012, 01:24 AM
I can get up and jump a few times or whatever and it'll go up to 84 so I guess it is doing what it's supposed to lol. I just hate how easily I freak out. When I rest I get scared it'll get too slow and stop or something. I hate how my mind works.

12-31-2012, 02:41 AM
justconfused- I know how it is to freak yourself out. but I believe that that is all it is is just you freaking yourself out. You said you got it checked right? One trick I learned is that when i start feeling worried about something i start to list my favorite cartoons and list the names of the characters and then try to list thier catch phrases. Its just an exercise I kinda tought myself to distract my mind. because really its just your mind running itself in circles, so better it run in circles about something that does not have to do with your well being or being scared. It doesn't have to be cartoons but a book or some other form of enterainment you enjoy. But the key is to just not think about your anxiety, but i know it seems impossible, but it will take time, to get over anxiety takes a process.

12-31-2012, 06:48 AM
At resting a pulse of 62 is AOK fine. It should be higher when you're up and moving around normally. Just anxiety. Alankay