View Full Version : How to make someone understand?

12-30-2012, 08:57 PM
Is there a way to make someone understand anxiety panic ect? My mother everyone doesn't understand noone does..no matter how hard I try to explain to them they don't get it...she thinks I come on this website and make up what is wrong with me next...it really sucks she gets so mad at me when I panic and talks down to me I don't know what to do..

12-30-2012, 09:00 PM
Maybe find a video from a dr on you tube and make them watch it

12-30-2012, 10:44 PM
Is there a way to make someone understand anxiety panic ect? My mother everyone doesn't understand noone does..no matter how hard I try to explain to them they don't get it...she thinks I come on this website and make up what is wrong with me next...it really sucks she gets so mad at me when I panic and talks down to me I don't know what to do..


In my humble opinion, your family does not want to understand, because to do that would take energy and it's so much easier to just get mad and accuse you of making things up. My family of origin was the same way.

12-31-2012, 03:35 AM
I heard someone liken it to head lice. Once you know someone who has had lice you tend to look out too see if your head gets itchy, and when it does you think Oh I must have headlice! But we have to realise that isn't always the case.

12-31-2012, 08:44 AM
There are ways you can try to make your family understand but I honestly don't think anyone can truly understand unless they experience it. Before my first panic attack, I used to think anxiety was just worrying and nothing like I experience now. I hope they make more of an effort to support you. It's really hard to do this alone.

12-31-2012, 09:07 AM
I don't think people can understand unless they have experienced it. What people can do though is be there for you and support you. Have you tried talking to your mum about it? Maybe try a nan or auntie, someone who will listen and talk to you mum. :) good luck

12-31-2012, 10:52 AM
I agree. No one can understand until they have lived it. Try going to a therapist and bring your mom so that they can explain it. I wouldn't take it personal. As a mom she probably thinks that she has been through a lot worse in life and she survived do she expects you to do the same. What she doesn't understand is that everyone is different. My mom passed 3 months ago from heart failure she was 84. That's when my attacks started. I remember her describing this pain that she would get every so often in the back if her left shoulder. No one could give us a direct answer of what if could be. The doctors did not even say it was her heart. So I knew she was in pain but I didn't understand how severe it was. I know now. I know now that my chest pains sometimes give me pain in the back of the left shoulder just like she had. At least your in the right place where you can vent.