View Full Version : Me again, depersonalization or something physical?

12-30-2012, 04:41 PM
Hello everyone :),

I will start fresh to any new readers, I've been having his constant numbness/weakness/disconnection with the right side of my body for around 3 months now, every doctor I've seen has said it's probably just anxiety and sent me off, well things have got 10x worse in the past 2-3 days, I feel paralyzed, I look at my whole body and in my head I can't move it, I feel as though my arms and legs are somewhat distorted and especially my neck feels that way :/, this is CONSTANT no matter what I'm doing and I feel that my bones are just going to break because they are weak when they probably aren't? Please anyone any ideas or anything, I'm going mad!!!!!!!

12-30-2012, 04:54 PM
Can you move them? Can you get up and walk? If you cant I would go to the hosp. If you can and its just a heavy feeling and you can move around it could be just anxiety. It can make you feel weak and heavy and unstable when you walk.

12-30-2012, 04:57 PM
Thank you for replying, I can move them yes but it really doesn't feel right :(, it's so hard to explain :(, it feels so weird when I walk around :(

12-30-2012, 05:20 PM
Thank you for replying, I can move them yes but it really doesn't feel right :(, it's so hard to explain :(, it feels so weird when I walk around :(

Sounds like anxiety to me. I have those same feeling. Sometimes when I try and walk it feels like I weigh a ton. It feels like it takes a lot of energy to raise my legs to walk but I can do it. Also when I am sitting they feel like there not there but I will wiggle my toes or try and move my leg and I can so I know it's just a feeling. The more you sit and think about it the more it happens. If you get up and take a warm bath and just relax maybe that will help some. At least you can feel them and walk. That's a great sign that its anxiety:) even though its the worst feeling, it's only a feeling.

12-30-2012, 05:22 PM
Hello everyone :),

I will start fresh to any new readers, I've been having his constant numbness/weakness/disconnection with the right side of my body for around 3 months now, every doctor I've seen has said it's probably just anxiety and sent me off, well things have got 10x worse in the past 2-3 days, I feel paralyzed, I look at my whole body and in my head I can't move it, I feel as though my arms and legs are somewhat distorted and especially my neck feels that way :/, this is CONSTANT no matter what I'm doing and I feel that my bones are just going to break because they are weak when they probably aren't? Please anyone any ideas or anything, I'm going mad!!!!!!!

Oh hun, I hope you find out something soon. I know it can be so hard to deal with all that for so long. It most likely is anxiety but I know that doesn't comfort you much. Hang in there!

12-30-2012, 05:23 PM
Oh and mines can be both legs. They also feel like there going numb. Like they want to but don't. I get the tingle sensation. Exp in my left side.

12-30-2012, 05:49 PM
Thank you for your replies everyone, I'm gunna be honest and just tell you exactly how I feel, every minute of everyday I feel like I'm getting worse and worse and that I'm going to die, when I touch anywhere on my body it doesn't feel right, like its distorted and my brain doesn't know that its mine, I have this constantly, and most days (as pathetic as it sounds) I just end up crying my eyes out, I have pretty much constant head aches, also often I get a tingling crawling feeling on the top of my head, I always feel like I'm living in a massive dream and I'm never going to wake up from it, my vision is weird, I can see things clearly but It's like my vision is made up of tiny little dots, I also notice things crossing my vision not floaters like lights and things, I have constant muscle twitches all over my body, and what makes things worse is that I got beaten up last night and I now feel like the top of my neck is crooked and even when I look in the mirror I see it but no one has, I feel alone, in a world full off 8 billion people I feel like I won't last much longer and I'm constantly scared I'm going to die, this is half of what's going on right now, I don't want to bore anyone anymore...

12-30-2012, 06:06 PM
Thank you for your replies everyone, I'm gunna be honest and just tell you exactly how I feel, every minute of everyday I feel like I'm getting worse and worse and that I'm going to die, when I touch anywhere on my body it doesn't feel right, like its distorted and my brain doesn't know that its mine, I have this constantly, and most days (as pathetic as it sounds) I just end up crying my eyes out, I have pretty much constant head aches, also often I get a tingling crawling feeling on the top of my head, I always feel like I'm living in a massive dream and I'm never going to wake up from it, my vision is weird, I can see things clearly but It's like my vision is made up of tiny little dots, I also notice things crossing my vision not floaters like lights and things, I have constant muscle twitches all over my body, and what makes things worse is that I got beaten up last night and I now feel like the top of my neck is crooked and even when I look in the mirror I see it but no one has, I feel alone, in a world full off 8 billion people I feel like I won't last much longer and I'm constantly scared I'm going to die, this is half of what's going on right now, I don't want to bore anyone anymore...

You are not pathetic and you aren't boring us. I believe that everything you are experiencing is real to you and it most definitely needs to be addressed. The head crawl feeling, I get when my anxiety is super high. Most of what you experience has been experienced by most of us at one point in time. You aren't alone. If anyone knows what you are going through, it's this community. We're here for you!

12-30-2012, 06:07 PM
Thanks, but honestly do you reckon this could all be anxiety/depersonalization related?

12-30-2012, 06:10 PM
Thanks, but honestly do you reckon this could all be anxiety/depersonalization related?

From everything you are telling us, yes. It feels so extreme because you think about it constantly. I do the same with my breathing. Even if I'm breathing normal, if I think about not breathing I feel like I cannot breathe. It's a scary feeling.

12-30-2012, 06:23 PM
I get that all the time, but I'm sat here right now in my room and it feels like I'm two people one on the left side of my body and one on the right it's like they don't go together, I also get this tinging like blood rushing feeling in my right arm

12-30-2012, 06:26 PM
I get that all the time, but I'm sat here right now in my room and it feels like I'm two people one on the left side of my body and one on the right it's like they don't go together, I also get this tinging like blood rushing feeling in my right arm

Is the tingling constant or does it come and go?

12-30-2012, 06:28 PM
Comes and goes like once a day for about an hour or so

12-30-2012, 06:36 PM
I bet the tingling comes about when you are really anxious. That's what happens to me.

12-30-2012, 06:40 PM
Hmmm not really :/ and its in my left arm and my right leg which is strange? I'm just scared to sleep :(

12-30-2012, 06:45 PM
Do you try anything to help you relax? If so, does that help at all?

12-30-2012, 06:48 PM
Nothing helps at all! :/, I take diazepam which someone help for 20-30 mins but not for long, I'm only 18 and can't drive due to what's been going on, I really want to go to a and e and see what they say, but I have been there many times before and so my parents believe its just anxiety, but the symptoms have got progressively worse and I'm not sure how much longer I can last, like this is the worst I've felt ever! :(

12-30-2012, 07:08 PM
What do you mean how long?, and there is nothing that I can do to relax myself, it's constant!, like I'm laying in bed right now Nd it feels like my limps are going to stop working by morning and I can barely move then an they feel stiff and distorted :( I don't know what to do :(

12-30-2012, 07:15 PM
You dont just lay and chill .

You have to relax , let you mind and body go .

Google meditation and look into doing it twice a day every day for atleast 20 minutes .

Yoga , deep breathing , there are others but you do it to stop you getting where you are not once you get there .

Its bloody hard to start with but within a couple of weeks you will see the difference .

Between drugs and anxiety i was spinning out 24 hours a day .

Agreed. Yoga does a lot for me. You have to be proactive in the fight against anxiety.

12-30-2012, 07:18 PM
Thank you very much for taking your time to reply, but do you all think that these symptoms are of anxiety and depersonalization? I will give that a go I reckon!

12-30-2012, 07:28 PM
Thank you, if you don't mind me asking could you describe some of your past symptoms to me and how they made you feel? I want someone who I can actually relate too :/