View Full Version : New Here

12-30-2012, 01:14 PM
I'm Abby, I'm 16 years old and have had panic disorder for over 2 years. I also have OCD.
I know everything there is to know about panic attacks. I've researched extensively, work with a psychcologist and psychiatrist...
The panic attacks always flare up in the winter. I was just admitted to the hospital for the 3rd time. I was there for about a month. The 2 times I've been admitted before this, the attacks had stopped completely after a few days in hospital. This time I was discharged though I was still having 3-4 attacks a day.
Currently, I am basically having constant panic attacks. I have about 7 or 8 a day.
Also, I have 3-4 at night while I'm trying to sleep. It's hellish because when I go to sleep, I want to be able to relax and have a safe place. The attacks wake me up randomly. Sometimes I'll have an attack when I dream about having one.
I am constantly afraid. Walking from my bedroom to my bathroom or down/up the stairs seem like big deals to me. I have a lot of trouble getting out of bed in the morning. I have suicidal thoughts. I've been having at least one attack a day for about 2 months now. I cry a lot.
The attacks can last from 10 minutes to an hour. All the doctors thought it was something physical, but when they couldn't find anything wrong after many tests they diagnosed it as panic attacks. My therapist tells me she's never really seen anyone with attacks as severe as mine.
I've read the posts and have gotten very conflicting information from what my therapist has told me. For example, am I supposed to do a lot of deep breathing throughout the day, or keep my breathing regular through my nose? When an attack starts, am I supposed to get angry and think "NO!", or am I supposed to do deep breathing and ride it out? I don't know what to do anymore. Nothing works. I feel like I want to die, because I can't leave my house without panicking. :(

12-30-2012, 01:36 PM
Somebody please help me. Tell me what is right.

12-30-2012, 01:41 PM
Awww sounds like your having it tough, 1st say your a nice person and I will get thru this, I was OK yesterday so I will be OK now try meditation at night plenty of meditation apps and mp3s around deep breathing in 4 out 7 in 4 hold 4 out 7 hope this helps...I got put on beta blockers to stop panic but I still get anxiety all day every day

12-30-2012, 02:14 PM
Awww sounds like your having it tough, 1st say your a nice person and I will get thru this, I was OK yesterday so I will be OK now try meditation at night plenty of meditation apps and mp3s around deep breathing in 4 out 7 in 4 hold 4 out 7 hope this helps...I got put on beta blockers to stop panic but I still get anxiety all day every day

What beta blocker are you on. I take adtenolol.

12-30-2012, 02:17 PM
I was on papanalol but been off now months I'm on citallapram

12-30-2012, 02:18 PM
What does a beta blocker do that's different? I'm just on Luvox, an antidepressant.

12-30-2012, 02:19 PM
What do beta blockers do that's different? I'm on Luvox, an antidepressant.

12-30-2012, 02:21 PM
I'm Abby, I'm 16 years old and have had panic disorder for over 2 years. I also have OCD.
I know everything there is to know about panic attacks. I've researched extensively, work with a psychcologist and psychiatrist...
The panic attacks always flare up in the winter. I was just admitted to the hospital for the 3rd time. I was there for about a month. The 2 times I've been admitted before this, the attacks had stopped completely after a few days in hospital. This time I was discharged though I was still having 3-4 attacks a day.
Currently, I am basically having constant panic attacks. I have about 7 or 8 a day.
Also, I have 3-4 at night while I'm trying to sleep. It's hellish because when I go to sleep, I want to be able to relax and have a safe place. The attacks wake me up randomly. Sometimes I'll have an attack when I dream about having one.
I am constantly afraid. Walking from my bedroom to my bathroom or down/up the stairs seem like big deals to me. I have a lot of trouble getting out of bed in the morning. I have suicidal thoughts. I've been having at least one attack a day for about 2 months now. I cry a lot.
The attacks can last from 10 minutes to an hour. All the doctors thought it was something physical, but when they couldn't find anything wrong after many tests they diagnosed it as panic attacks. My therapist tells me she's never really seen anyone with attacks as severe as mine.
I've read the posts and have gotten very conflicting information from what my therapist has told me. For example, am I supposed to do a lot of deep breathing throughout the day, or keep my breathing regular through my nose? When an attack starts, am I supposed to get angry and think "NO!", or am I supposed to do deep breathing and ride it out? I don't know what to do anymore. Nothing works. I feel like I want to die, because I can't leave my house without panicking. :(

I am so sorry your going through this I completely understand I don't have panic attacks at night but during the day they are pure hell I feel like I can't breath and that I'm gonna die I can't even ride in a car to go places let alone leave the house I wish I could tell u a cure all but I can't are u taking any medication for this?

12-30-2012, 02:21 PM
I was on papanalol but been off now months I'm on citallapram

Is citallapram a beta blocker

12-30-2012, 02:22 PM
I'm on Luvox (antidepressent) and trazedone (sleeping pill).

12-30-2012, 02:23 PM
What do beta blockers do that's different? I'm on Luvox, an antidepressant.

Beta blockers slow down your heart rate and control your aderelinen. So when you have a panic attack the heart rate does not get as high as it would without it.

12-30-2012, 02:56 PM
Luvox is not a beta blocker but an ssri antidepressant. A beta blocker helps block adrenaline. I use it(propranolol) for performance anxiety.
Anyway you should breath normally, not too fast or too slow. Try to relax all your muscles and just breath normally.
They must have tried some other meds if these are not working right? I think you need to be on a high dose of luvox for the OCD so is that the case? This only happens in Winter? Maybe you have some SAD as well. Ask about adding phototherapy as well as making sure the dose of luvox is high enough. Maybe an occasional benzo like ativan might be helpful only as a last resort. Ask about that as nobody likes a hospital for anxiety.:(
Has your therapist found anything in particular causing your anxiety? Past abuse, psychological conflicts, etc?
PM me any time. Alankay

12-30-2012, 03:09 PM
Luvox is not a beta blocker but an ssri antidepressant. A beta blocker helps block adrenaline. I use it(propranolol) for performance anxiety.
Anyway you should breath normally, not too fast or too slow. Try to relax all your muscles and just breath normally.
They must have tried some other meds if these are not working right? I think you need to be on a high dose of luvox for the OCD so is that the case? This only happens in Winter? Maybe you have some SAD as well. Ask about adding phototherapy as well as making sure the dose of luvox is high enough. Maybe an occasional benzo like ativan might be helpful only as a last resort. Ask about that as nobody likes a hospital for anxiety.:(
Has your therapist found anything in particular causing your anxiety? Past abuse, psychological conflicts, etc?
PM me any time. Alankay

Do you take your beta every day or just when needed. Some say with adtenolol you can't take it when needed it has to be an everyday Thing.

12-30-2012, 03:19 PM
Luvox is not a beta blocker but an ssri antidepressant. A beta blocker helps block adrenaline. I use it(propranolol) for performance anxiety.
Anyway you should breath normally, not too fast or too slow. Try to relax all your muscles and just breath normally.
They must have tried some other meds if these are not working right? I think you need to be on a high dose of luvox for the OCD so is that the case? This only happens in Winter? Maybe you have some SAD as well. Ask about adding phototherapy as well as making sure the dose of luvox is high enough. Maybe an occasional benzo like ativan might be helpful only as a last resort. Ask about that as nobody likes a hospital for anxiety.:(
Has your therapist found anything in particular causing your anxiety? Past abuse, psychological conflicts, etc?
PM me any time. Alankay

Thankyou so much. I'll ask about the phototherapy and maybe add/change meds.

12-30-2012, 03:31 PM
You can take atenolol "as needed". Usually 50 mg. Propranolol can also at lower doses but over say 20mg it might be better taken daily but your doc is the best judge of that for you. Alankay

12-30-2012, 03:38 PM
You can take atenolol "as needed". Usually 50 mg. Propranolol can also at lower doses but over say 20mg it might be better taken daily but your doc is the best judge of that for you. Alankay

He have me the lowest of 25 mg and I cut that in 4's and take a 4 th at night before bed lol. I tried half but seemed to make me real tired and a little depressed.

12-30-2012, 03:47 PM
Abby .

May i ask for a list of things that you have tired .

You also stated that you know everything about anxiety but i find this a bit hard to believe from the state you are in . I am not having a go at you . My father always said you can never know everything and i find most doctors and experts dont know it either .

Anxiety is a very personal thing and its hard to know everything .


Things I've tried:
SAD light
Keeping my breathing deep throughout the day
Taking time to meditate every few hours

Things I'm doing right now:
Restricting sugar in my diet
Yoga and short jogs
I put a rubber band round my wrist, which I snap when an attack starts. This helps me focus on that instead of the attacks.
Magnesium and Flax Seed Oil
Medications (Luvox and trazedone)
Keeping breathing regular, breathing normally through my nose

12-30-2012, 03:53 PM
Hello Abby my name is Sal, I'm glad you found this forum we are here to support and help each other as much as possible. I'm sorry you are going through a rough patch with your panic attacks. I know how you feel and I know its very overwhelming. Don't give up be strong. God bless you Abby.

12-30-2012, 03:58 PM
Hello Abby my name is Sal, I'm glad you found this forum we are here to support and help each other as much as possible. I'm sorry you are going through a rough patch with your panic attacks. I know how you feel and I know its very overwhelming. Don't give up be strong. God bless you Abby.

Thank you very much Sal. I'm glad I found this forum as well!

12-30-2012, 04:23 PM
Thats a good start .

Tell me the story about how it started , how long its been going on . IF its got worse from drugs .

What fears do you have ? Scale one to ten how scared do you feel and why ??

What are you willing to do ??

What you believe anxiety is ?? Why do you believe you have it ?

What do you do for fun?

How much do you focus on anxiety ??

Whats Mom Dad think of all this ? You talk to them about it ? .

One more question which you might not know the answer but why do they have you on two ADs ?

You done counseling ? and what happened there ?, what did they teach you ?

I remember the rubber band one well , wrist was red from it at times

I have to nip out but i will be back later .


It started about 3 years ago. I was arguing with my sister and sudden collapsed. Everyone thought I was having a stroke. It's been getting worse every year since then.

I'm very afraid of the attacks. I'm also afraid about the future, and never getting better. I'm afraid that no one will ever love me, and that I'm going crazy.

I'm willing to do just about anything. I'm willing to work all day to get better.

I don't know why I have anxiety. I was a nervous child. The stress in my life builds up until I have attacks.

I draw and read. I love to walk my dog.

I basically think about it constantly right now. I can't focus on anything.

My parents, especially my dad, are my biggest supports. I'm very close with my dad. I tell him what I'm thinking and feeling and he helps me.

The Luvox is an antidepressant and the trazedone is a sleeping medication for me.

I'm currently doing CBT.