View Full Version : 24/7

12-30-2012, 11:36 AM
Anyone feel like they are in a daze 24 7 or like unaware of what's going on around them? I feel as if I'm alone even though my family is here I feel like I'm lost in my mind sometimes its worse then others but its still always there :( I'm so scared of it...anyone else feel like this or am I just working myself up for nothing?

12-30-2012, 11:44 AM
I feel like that a lot. Especially around others and in public. It can be pretty scary at times.

12-30-2012, 12:37 PM
Anyone feel like they are in a daze 24 7 or like unaware of what's going on around them? I feel as if I'm alone even though my family is here I feel like I'm lost in my mind sometimes its worse then others but its still always there :( I'm so scared of it...anyone else feel like this or am I just working myself up for nothing?

The sensation you describe is one I have experienced, and it can feel alarming, like you are not really in control. But it's just your mind playing tricks on you. Just ride it out, like a surfer. A surfer rides the wave. He's not in charge of the wave, only his response to it.