View Full Version : Has anyone survived Anxiety?

12-30-2012, 09:00 AM
Hi everyone,

I've been suffering with anxiety for a year now.

Mine stems from the fact my dad died from a heart attack a few years ago. Over a year ago I had a pain in my chest one night, and thought it was my heart. I'm still here, so obviously it wasn't!

However since that day I have had constant chest pressures, pains, arm pain, headaches dizziness. Biggest pain in the ass is the shortness of breath, especially at night. I've stooped exercising as it makes me feel like I'm going to die. Only a few proper panic attacks to speak of though.

I'm guessing that if I had a heart problem something would have surfaced by now? My doc won't send me to a specialist as he said there's nothing wrong with me, just keeps giving me tablets for GERD.

Sometimes I deal with it okay and can go a whole day without thinking about it. Others it just hits me, and bam there again. It's killing me.

I've had a few blood tests, ECG, hospital visits etc. None for a few months though. Everyone says I'm fine.

I have tried CBT, I do not want meds. I know this is all to do with my dad. He was only 50. I am 26 now, pretty healthy, don't smoke or drink. Never have, normal blood pressure, normal chlosteral.

I was just wondering if anyone has overcome anxiety? I am starting to think this is something I am always gonna have to deal with. I don't want coping mechanisms anymore, I need a cure. Will there every be one? I'd like to think that I can do it alone, but I'm beginning to think otherwise.

Does anyone have a positive story to tell?



12-30-2012, 09:04 AM
Did you learn acceptance that it was anxiety in CBT? That really has to be the first step oitherwise, no matter what they teach you there and no matter how valuable you might feel it is with new knowledge about anxiety...it's virtually useless if you can't accept yourself that it's anxiety. If you understand the fight or flight response and excess adrenaline etc in detail then you can clearly see how it causes chest pains etc. What with your dad having passed with a heart attack,m this will be the main concern. When you start worrying about yoru heart and the fight or flight kicks in, pains are going to be fixated in areas you know hurt when you have a heart attack. The same thing happened to me for many months. Even know if ever I get arm pain it's always the left arm and if I allow worry to take over it's not long before chest pain happens too and also neck and jaw pain.

It's hard to overcome anxiety. In all honesty I think I need to go back to CBT because I quit during a good spell which was pretty short lived to be honest.


12-30-2012, 10:14 AM
I don't want coping mechanisms anymore, I need a cure. Will there every be one? I'd like to think that I can do it alone, but I'm beginning to think otherwise.
Now that is what I like to hear! You are miles ahead of many others in your shoes. You took the first step. Use your will to overcome this. If a cardiologist tells you you are fine, then you got the ok. Read my 2 threads at the top of this forum and step on the healing path. I had severe agoraphobia, anxiety and massive panic attacks. I don't anymore. Med free and loving life!

jon mike
01-02-2013, 01:11 AM
cbt worked for me and changed my life forever. 15 years of anxiety problems gone! get it done people x

01-02-2013, 01:39 AM
Can anxiety be cured? Absolutely, of course it can. Will take some effort and dedication, but it's well worth it. As I wrote in my thread in the welcome forum, I'm 90% of the way there through a combination of lifestyle changes and a low dose of medication.