View Full Version : Update to my current situation - Previous post April 2012

12-30-2012, 08:33 AM
Thought I would give an update to how I'm getting on :)

So I tried CBT, done 12 sessions over the space of 4 months. My experience is that it's very good but I didn't reveal all to my therapist initially and I might take a second round with a new one.

I have learned alot of "skills" and "tools" from CBT to calm and relax my mind - the major one being exercise and mindfullness.

On reflection, I don't think I explained myself very much to the therapist - I was threading very carefully on what I was thinking and for that she didn't understand me completely. As I said, I held back a little.

From "research", I think I'm going through a strong stage of Depersonalization and or pure ocd and have been since March 2012. Basically I keep ruminating on "philosophical" thoughts - constantly. It's an absolute fucking nuisance. I only recently found out my brother has OCD as my parents kept it under the rug for whatever known reason.

*spike alert*

Daily, my thoughts are:

What is life?
Am I alive?
What happens after death?
Am I controlling my body
Do we actually have freewill
How can I see
Why do we have eyes
Do you see what I see
is your blue the same as my blue
Afraid of eternity
Afraid of life !
How do we know things
How did I become me?
What is me?
Are will all different or are we like the borg
Fear of losing control
Fear of hurting some one I love

As one can imagine, these thoughts create great anxiety for me - I have been down the rabbit hole and do not like what I see!

I also find myself constantly googling stuff when I'm anxious, for example:

I have just searched google for "Freaked out about being alive" and have read 3-4 answers on Yahoo Answers
The whole point of life feels weird - again, reading several posts from other people
Feel like I'm not in control philosphical - Again, reading similair posts from other users
Afraid of losing concsiousness - AGAIN - reading forums

Now - heres the thing, I do feel "comforted" when I read what others are experiencing but I feel like reassurance I'm looking for is getting harder and harder. Some of the stuff I'm thinking of becoming a complete mind bender. I then become more anxious until I search again. I have found myself reading up on stupid stuff for hours. It's becoming so routine like - fucking nuisance.

However, there have been improvements too in fairness:

I've flown to Florida ( 9 hour flight back and forth ) and stayed there for a week. I was so afraid that I might of freaked out when I was in another country - nothing happened
I have been to several concerts ( 10,000 - 50,000 people ) - did not freak out
I have NEVER freaked out or ended up in hospital
I am not on medication and never have been
I have never blanked out or hurt any one
Still working and running a business full time

So as you can imagine, I appear completely fine on the outside as I battle my demons on the inside.

Your thoughts appreciated.

12-30-2012, 12:27 PM
Powa, it sounds like you have a lot going on. I'm glad that CBT is helping you so much. That is the result of your hard work and determination. Good for you! Maybe you could find a group of people who enjoy having these kind of debates. Maybe if you had a forum for it, your brain would calm down some, because it knows that it's being heard and honored. Running your own business is hard work! Don't forget to be good to yourself!

01-03-2013, 01:39 PM