View Full Version : Skipped beats are my worst symptom

12-30-2012, 05:56 AM
I hate the skipped beats, how can anxiety physically cause your heart to jitter jolt and jump, flutter and skip ?
Is there a cure for these?
They really scare me and their my worst anxiety symptom :( my symptoms send me into a panick I could be doing fine all day then booooom skipped beat then feel anxious all day !

12-30-2012, 06:17 AM
I hate the skipped beats, how can anxiety physically cause your heart to jitter jolt and jump, flutter and skip ?
Is there a cure for these?
They really scare me and their my worst anxiety symptom :( my symptoms send me into a panick I could be doing fine all day then booooom skipped beat then feel anxious all day !

Welcome to the "i was doin' just fuckin' fine & dandy then my heart jumped & now i'm a quivvering wreck"... club.

Its a popular club amongst anxious folk... with new members joining daily, lol

Brain influences heart rythm.
Anxious / panicky part of brain tells heart its time to run hard but non-anxious part of brain contests it... the result is spurious / contensious signals sent to heart... causing wobbles & jitters.

HOWEVER... heart still does its primary job & pumps blood, so you arent gonna pass out from it.

Cure? calmmmmm... :-)

12-30-2012, 07:54 AM

I feel exactly the same as you . I can be feeling normal for an hour then soon as I feel a flutter or a thud then I'm panicking all day , start to feel like I can't breath and get light headed . it's horrible . it has really affected my social life don't want to go anywhere as I'm frightened I will start to have a panic attack

12-30-2012, 12:59 PM

I feel exactly the same as you . I can be feeling normal for an hour then soon as I feel a flutter or a thud then I'm panicking all day , start to feel like I can't breath and get light headed . it's horrible . it has really affected my social life don't want to go anywhere as I'm frightened I will start to have a panic attack

They are absolutely awful their my worst symptom !!!! X

12-30-2012, 01:38 PM
They are absolutely awful their my worst symptom !!!! X

If these are your "worst" symptom... what is your "best" symptom?



12-30-2012, 01:50 PM
If these are your "worst" symptom... what is your "best" symptom?



Arghh just had another one just feels like my heart is gunna stop beating!
You know if so,embody had a heart problem could their 02 level be 98/99% or would it be much lower?
Lol, I get all sorts of symptoms, but I get ones that I can just about bear and I can control as such as dizziness etc but these heart motions scare the crap out of me !!!!! X

12-30-2012, 02:11 PM
Arghh just had another one just feels like my heart is gunna stop beating!
You know if so,embody had a heart problem could their 02 level be 98/99% or would it be much lower?
Lol, I get all sorts of symptoms, but I get ones that I can just about bear and I can control as such as dizziness etc but these heart motions scare the crap out of me !!!!! X

Yes they are my worst symptom too. I suffer everyday and night with them since July this year. They will come every other beat for hours or every 5 beats, 10 etc. the worst is every other. I am having them today but like only 6 an hour. These are easier to deal with. It takes my Breath away and kinda feels like someone is pinching it or thumping it. Kinda uncomfortable. But they say my heart is strong and its anxiety. Even if I am calm they happen. Then that gets me nervous and starts them more:(

12-30-2012, 02:16 PM
Yes they are my worst symptom too. I suffer everyday and night with them since July this year. They will come every other beat for hours or every 5 beats, 10 etc. the worst is every other. I am having them today but like only 6 an hour. These are easier to deal with. It takes my Breath away and kinda feels like someone is pinching it or thumping it. Kinda uncomfortable. But they say my heart is strong and its anxiety. Even if I am calm they happen. Then that gets me nervous and starts them more:(

Yes I can totally relate it just feels like my heart is jumping and is off track lol it's awful I absolutely hate them so bad!!!! X

12-30-2012, 02:24 PM
Yea it's scary because I never know when or if it will go crazy and need to go to the hospital. I am afraid of it going into a fib or something:(

12-30-2012, 02:35 PM
Yea it's scary because I never know when or if it will go crazy and need to go to the hospital. I am afraid of it going into a fib or something:(

Exact same with me your not alone x

12-30-2012, 02:52 PM
Exact same with me your not alone x

:) it's nice to have this app and actually talk to others who go through the same things. No one gets it unless they go through it.