View Full Version : Headaches/sensations. Anxiety? Please help

12-30-2012, 12:41 AM
Hi, please help me if you can. I know it's long but ill be extremely grateful. I'm hoping someone can give me some answers. I'm a 20 year old female and have experienced anxiety most of my life but it worsened after drug addiction before the age of 16. (I never do drugs any more, just drink alcohol)I experienced terrible anxiety/panic attack symptoms for a long time but managed to relatively come out the other side. Until now. It all started with a feeling like there was a wet cloth or book on my head that lead to a full blown anxiety attack (I know this as a symptom). I spent weeks not being able to go to work and developed more strange headaches. I had a CT scan which came back clear, but I still cannot calm myself. I have been doing an anxiety type diet and taking loads of supplements which are 100% helping( I've been doing this for 1 month, the anxiety/pain has been going on for 2). I can go to work, and even go out for a drink. My problem is this underlying pain. I've been seeing a physio for neck pain and its helped a little but this afternoon my anxiety has gone pretty bad. Does anyone get these feeling or know what it is? 1. A burning/tingling (more hot than burning) like sensation in my forehead (like dehydration,but have been drinking plenty of water) it's a bit like sunburn but there isn't any. Not overly painful. Just uncomfortable and worrying. Had this on and off for almost a week but when I get it it lasts hours. 2. Sharp throbbing pains around temples that goes away quite quickly but is extremely painful. Can also sometimes get it in back of head close to neck and top of head near the hairline 3. Odd feeling/pain in sides of neck but more in ligaments at the front possibly going into the glands 4. Extremely worn out/tired neck, feels like neck is too thin. Feels like you need to rest your head. 5. Funny feeling in mainly right but occasionally left eye. Like a haze or blur that needs to be blinked away. Tingling above right eye in right eyebrow (I don't experience the tingling as often as I did when this anxiety episode started) occasional pain in right eyebrow/above eyebrow. 6. Generally get a lot o headaches, sensitive to light all the time.
7. Zap like pains in head, face and neck.
8. Sore face under eyes like a bruise.
9. Sometimes my left ear will just like stop and ill get a ringing for a brief moment. Also pains in right ear (like an ear infection) that only lasts short periods of time.
I know some of these are symptoms but some I cannot find on forums. That worries me too.
I've been dealing with all of these symptoms for 2 months now. I take that as a good sign its not serious. The main thing that is causing anxiety at the moment is the neck feeling. In the ligaments at the front and the forehead heat. I really hope someone has some answers for someone who even after a CT scan still needs more answers. It has been very hot here and I do work a slightly taxing job. I got reading glasses a week ago, still unsure if helping or not. Have been losing weight but not sure if diet or stress or both. Yay for living life with anxiety disorder. I apologise for the length and if there are any errors (was writing this on a smart phone)

12-30-2012, 12:59 AM
I have been experiencing a lot of the same things lately. The zaps, the haziness in my left eye, my headaches have been "ice pick" like a constant stabbing of an ice pick in my head. I went to the er and was diagnosed with TMJ...I followed up with a chiropractor who said I do not have TMJ but a severe sinus infection. The headaches have stopped...the zaps and eye problem is still there. I have had the zaps for years. I get the neck pain, mine is from tensing up so much to fight off the attack. I have the eyes sensitive to light...especially at night with driving in the dark. I did some research on the eye thing and read a post on another site that during anxiety the pupils dilate and this causes sensitivity to light. Because I am afraid of driving at night...my pupils dilate. I get the burning/tingling feelings but not in my head. My mom did though when she was alive. She described hers as a gurgling in her neck. I hope this helps to see you're not alone. Let me know what you find out about your left eye.

12-30-2012, 01:01 AM
Also I had the pain in my right ear tonight too for the first time. It through me into an anxiety attack before I went to the chiropractor I had the ringing in my left ear.

12-30-2012, 01:03 AM
Sorry about the amount of times I posted this. Kept saying it didn't work. Thank you for replying. It's such a hard thing to get your head around the anxiety can cause such pain. As I said. The main thing I'm worrying about at the moment is the heat in my forehead. I always feel like such a hypochondriac. I just want to be me again!

12-30-2012, 01:29 AM
I understand. I find myself saying this time could be the time it happens. I wish I could help with the heat in your head. I'm no doctor but I'm pretty sure it's anxiety. :( Hang in there.

12-30-2012, 01:34 AM
I understand. I find myself saying this time could be the time it happens.

I'm so grateful you said this. It's like 'Maybe all the doctors are wrong and I am going to drop dead' ridiculous thoughts.