View Full Version : need help scared please

12-29-2012, 06:37 PM
I suffer stress anxiety depression... been having strange symptoms all week now my face has been numb. Left side feels itchy dull numb ... so scared I try not to panic... I don't no if its due to tooth pain ... been
On antibiotics for teeth ... had tooth pain over Xmas... but when stress feels stronger... always go thru my head ... I'm going to have a stroke... scares me !!""":(

12-29-2012, 06:45 PM
Welcome xX you have come to the right place I'm so sorry your going through a difficult time its good that your trying not to panic about it have you been to the doctor or anything about it?

12-29-2012, 06:51 PM
Hey thanks. I have not been to docs had this feeling all over Xmas ... scares me... soon as I notice it I freak out .... I am on citallapram maybe its a side effect :s thank s for reply Rob x

12-29-2012, 08:37 PM
Then it most likely is lol those side affects can be horriable! Plus your anxiety will feed off it

12-30-2012, 01:25 PM
Hey I think with me I can't concentrate on anything except anxiety symptoms I think that's my problem :s but the numbness scares me... It won't go away cos I can't focus on anything else, I try to I really do

12-30-2012, 01:35 PM
I try to say to my self but it comes on stronger and then the anxiety feeds :( how do you accept

12-30-2012, 02:15 PM
Remember the biggest step is realizing its just anxiety

12-30-2012, 02:19 PM
The numbness is so scary I don't want to have a stroke I get it all day with floaters with headaches chest pain and the rest anxiety symptoms