View Full Version : Drinking

12-29-2012, 04:07 PM
So I have been drinking a lot lately not to the point where I get drunk not even buzzed but I have been drinking about 3 times a week and I am scared its making my anxiety come back. Is this normal. I am on lexapro and I am afraid the alcohol is making my anxiety worse. I am freaking out

12-30-2012, 03:41 AM
Im in the same boat... I didnt have an anxiety attack for months until i started drinking this week, and this is the second attack in 4 days since ive been drinking.

12-30-2012, 11:58 AM
I believe that if you read the drug interaction warnings, you will note that you should not have alcohol while taking the medication. My advice would be to stop.

12-30-2012, 01:32 PM
I'm not on any medication so can't speak from the same place as you, but I personally find that when I drink the next couple of days I feel relaxed and normal. Unless I over do it, or have to go to work hungover. Have you tried natural approaches to your anxiety? I've just read way too many stories of people still suffering even while on/after antidepressants. Only you know how you feel and what you need, but I find having a couple of Valiums in the house is enough for me to subconsciously know that if I do have a bad turn, I'll have at least a little relief.