View Full Version : My anxiety disorder triggered by sunburn?

12-29-2012, 04:00 PM
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12-29-2012, 05:55 PM
man a few beers messes me up for months....... Its been a month now and I am still twitching....

12-29-2012, 06:04 PM
meds dont help man, i took them for half a year and they didnt do anything....

when I am drinking I get tired fast... when drunk I feel pretty much no different then I did before when I was drinking.... and after, well the usual symptoms i have had start again, and last for an indefinite time.....

12-29-2012, 06:20 PM
no man..... I am trying hard to accept it as anxiety, thinking it might be something else will make things only worse if it really is just anxiety.

And also, I go to the sauna often, doesn't that detox me enough?

12-29-2012, 06:35 PM
so you are telling me that I should now STOP accepting it as anxiety and run through doctors again????? I excercise, go to sauna.... There is nothing special in my diet.... I dont drink basically. Also I smoke which is good for anxiety. I used to smoke weed too.

12-29-2012, 06:54 PM
Some kind of chemical imbalance caused by stress and subconcious paranoia ?

12-29-2012, 07:54 PM

Not sure why you would need to know.

It does not matter what causes it because it changes nothing . It happened and it needs fixing and thats about all there is too it .

Yes it may not have helped things but its done now .

The biggest thing is to stop trying to find the why and put that effort into the how .

Good advice! Just get better.

12-30-2012, 05:37 PM
I CANT LIVE LIKE THIS I WANNA DRINK AND PARTY...... ETC....... Thats what life is about! I Will join the motherfucking army soon , at least there everyone is depressed.

12-30-2012, 07:02 PM
Just a thought....... I had a big sunburn in 2009, and ever since then I've had my anxiety disorder, and never before.

The sun burn can be a side effect or a reaction from the anxiety yes but not the sun burn leads to anxiety ...

01-06-2013, 04:32 PM
What is this twitching tho seriously????
That is what I basically have all the time, nervous twitching accompanied by a mild dizziness , when the twitching is more then the dizziness is stronger too........

Plz help what is this...

Does the beer I had one month ago fucked something up physically, or is caused my subconcious fear of alcohol....
what is this damn twitching...

01-06-2013, 05:19 PM

01-11-2013, 12:53 PM
god I am so exhausted of this! totally unable to focus my eye sight.... it is just vibrating all the time.... same thing I had for 8 months and after drinking 1 beer now ive had this thing for a month again along with nerv twitching....

01-11-2013, 03:02 PM
this is so depressing you cant believe......... forwells or anybody else what do you think of this??

01-14-2013, 10:46 AM
zzzzzzzzzzzz nobody gives a shit.......

All I want to know is what do you think about the symptoms I am describing and how can one beer do this to me? I am still fucked up from it, last time I was fucked up for 9 months, then it randomly stopped and I was fine for a few weeks, then drank another beer in december and here I am again with all the symptoms. I have no idea what this shit is..... I guess it is anxiety but it is so constant and basically its the nerv twitching and unable to focus eyes, like my sight is vibrating when I try to focus, it is completely exhausting. As I said I had this thing before from feb-nov, then I was fine for a few weeks, thought I could drink again, and now fucked up again for over a month because of 1 beer. The twitching and sight vibrating varies in strenght, but it is constant, sometimes less sometimes more, but I never feel like my head is clear, it is always foggy.

Also I took some AD's when it started in feb after drinking a few beers, I took the AD's 10mg a day from feb-oct but they didnt help me at all, no effect at all, so I stopped taking them in oct, and i started feeling better in november... but then I drink again in december and now I feel the same as before november....

I don't seem to have any other symptoms from twitching and unable to concentrate. I remember what it feels like to have a clear head, and right now my head is not clear. When I get this clear head feeling back all the other symptoms go away aswell. Sometimes my head feels heavy like its full of cotton, and some other times it feels completely empty and dry......most of the time it just feels foggy and tired....I don't have the clarity feeling in my head....

Ofcourse, I am the best judge to my situation because I am living it, and my analysis is that, even one beer makes some kind of chemical inbalance in my brain, maybe because of I took the ADs for so long and it made my brain intolerant of alcohol completely. I still remain positive that I will have a clear head because my head randomly became clear again in November, after I had given up all hope.... This hell has to stop, I have made decision not to drink any more and excercise, can only hope that time helps me.

01-14-2013, 11:05 AM
One beer cannot do this to you unless you already have a disorder with dopamine levels or muscle twitches. This sounds like a neurological problem rather than a psychological problem. I think your twitching might be making you nervous and giving you anxiety when this is really a small issue. You can type clearly, and it sounds like you can talk right and put sentences together. I had tremors so bad once from a medication I was taking that it eventually got to the point where I was so confused I couldn't put sentences together and I sounded highly disabled! hahahaha. See your family physician, they can check your reflexes, do some tests...and recommend a neurologist for you.

01-14-2013, 04:06 PM
No its really subtle... and I've had this before, you don't just randomly get a neurological disease...... it is anxiety, I am pretty sure but I need conformation. Also the twitching isn't the worst thing, it is really the foggyness in my head and unable to concentrate my eyes, when I try to look at something my sight is vibrating.

The twitches are directly related to my anxiety, whenever I am more anxious the twitches get stronger too....and as I said the twitches ain't the problem, its the foggyness and eyes.

01-15-2013, 09:08 AM
so yeah as I said twitching comes and goes and is not constant, its the other things... mental exhaustion/foggyiness... unable to focus eyes.

01-15-2013, 09:29 AM
What I am saying is.... when I go look at a single point.. I can't do it... my sight starts like vibrating... its not stable. And it is mentally exhausting me. And dont tell me this is a problem with my eyes.... its not, I am guessing and even hoping it is anxiety but I need conformation.

01-15-2013, 11:20 AM
And what I am asking is if this sounds similar to anyone...... to go with logic, the only logical explenation really is anxiety but just one beer fucks me up for such a long time....

01-15-2013, 11:56 AM
Its almost like my heartbeat is making my eye sight vibrate....... it is subtle but very annoying.

01-15-2013, 12:35 PM
anybody can say something about this ??? I really need some conformation that anyone has experienced anything similar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-15-2013, 12:47 PM
I do lol my eyes are fked because of anxiety when I look at stuff it looks like its viberating :( it sucks

01-15-2013, 02:23 PM
Really or are you just saying that.......... plz dont lie to me I really need to know the truth.

01-15-2013, 02:36 PM
Why would I lie lol its worse when I look at like patterns lately its been really bad I been seeing spots and stars and everything its scary :(

01-17-2013, 11:50 AM
So you think its anxiety or what? It's just constant and lasts for months! I have no idea when this will stop if this will stop at all.

01-17-2013, 11:53 AM
yes its anxiety

01-17-2013, 12:20 PM
Now I'm worried about my eyes lol I'm seeing spots and everything looks like its movong =.=