View Full Version : Am I losing it or do I have a real problem????

05-10-2007, 12:00 AM
Hi everyone,

I've posted a few times about my problems and I am wondering if it is getting worse! Here for the past few months (It sounds crazy) I have been having big issues about driving. I am worried to death that I will or have hit someone or someone's car with my vehicle. I will turn around and see if I have run over someone over and over again at the slightest bump that I hit in the road. It is really aggravating me and I just sit and cry because I can't stop. The thing is if I manage to get in deep thought about something while I am driving and then I stop and think....did I hit something? and have to turn around and retrace my driving route. I avoid going into town b/c people are there and I avoid parking where I can't see behind me and also passing people on the high way. I have to go the long way home b/c I am so scared. I work 4-12 shift so that makes me drive home at night and that is even worse. I try to avoid driving at all and just let my husband drive on my days off. It is really scary to me...I have no clue as to what brought these thoughts on. I have posted b4 about my dealings with my work issues and having to make sure things were done knowing that I have done them already. I have an appointment with a psychologist on Monday and was wondering should I tell her about this and if there is any help for me to stop doing this nonsense. And I am wondering could this be OCD? Gas is to high to keep doing this nonsense....Thanks as always

the big bad i said no!
05-10-2007, 11:49 AM
hi, i too have had these thoughts about driving. ive never retraced my route but used to worry alot and obsess over the thoughts. you should defo mention this to your pychiatrist. it sounds like some sort of ocd to me. i have been diagnosed with some traits of ocd as well as anxiety and depersonalization. i was reffered for a course of cognetive behavriol therapy to help with the obsessive thought patterns. there are also various ssri and tricyclic antidepressant medications that also help treat ocd, im currently taking 50mg of Sertraline a day which defo helps.
Good luck seeing your phyciatrist and try not to worry, i know its easier said than done but positive thinking does wonders! much love :D

V for Victor
05-10-2007, 02:24 PM
Yep, obsessions about having hit someone/something while driving are a definate flag of OCD.

Consider researching OCD, and gaining some information on it. Also, check out the book I mention in my signature under my post. I've read it through and through, and it's very, very helpful.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, with or without medication, is very good in handling OCD, and can actually help to make it go away over time.