View Full Version : Constantly feeling like I'm dreaming

12-28-2012, 05:31 PM
For the past three weeks I've had the feeling that I'm dreaming. It never goes away. Literally nothing around me feels real.
I am looking for colleges to transfer to for my bachelors degree and can't concentrate on it. I try to think about myself continuing my education and getting a career, but I really can't imagine myself doing anything. Mainly because this life doesn't feel real at all. I can't even think about next semester.
I talked with my therapist about it and she said that it was caused by stress, because it was finals week at the time. But the semester has since ended and I don't feel any better.
I was wondering if any one has expierenced a similar feeling and if they know anything to stop it. Thanks for taking the time to read and respond.

12-28-2012, 06:49 PM
My expirience is similar and i constantly find my self thinking im like insane and this is some reality ive made up for myself and it really scares me sometimes. It feels like im working towards nothing and just wondering aimlessly

12-28-2012, 07:01 PM
Its called derealization you can look it up I have it also

12-28-2012, 07:15 PM
Wow you've described me in a nut shell!, it's like everything around you is different to reality, and it honestly just feels like one massive dream, but I've had it for 3 months now, apparently in time it will go away, but honestly I feel like I'm going insane! I seem to over think everything now, like why am I sat on this side of the car and how is that tele working?! But fingers crossed things will get better...

12-28-2012, 07:21 PM
Wow this is literally me!, it feels like everything around me isn't actually real, like it all just a constant dream, people don't believe how scary it actually is, I find myself doing things in reality that I would never normally do!, I also seem to over think everything, like why am I say on this side of the car and how is my tele working?! I've had this for three months now and it just seems to be my life :/ hopefully things will start getting better soon... :(

12-28-2012, 07:28 PM
i find myself asking those kinds of questions to they are strange because i would never normally ask a question about that but when i feel like im dreaming i do and it stuff in my everyday life too

12-28-2012, 09:37 PM
Wow this is literally me!, it feels like everything around me isn't actually real, like it all just a constant dream, people don't believe how scary it actually is, I find myself doing things in reality that I would never normally do!, I also seem to over think everything, like why am I say on this side of the car and how is my tele working?! I've had this for three months now and it just seems to be my life :/ hopefully things will start getting better soon... :(

Sounds like me. It gets scary and your head just begins to feel like you are going to literally lose it. I often think how is it possible for the human body to work without screwing up when there are so many things that have to go right for it to work. Somehow it does, but I'm always scared something is not going to function properly. It's a constant fear. I also just stare at food sometimes thinking if I eat this it is gonna cause me heart problems in the future. Everything I do I question and it's getting old.

12-29-2012, 04:23 AM
Best thing to do, I have found is to relax, not pay any attention to the strange feelings ands try to get on with things. The feelings will fade. One other thing I found that helped was to do something I really enjoyed, for this is playing the guitar and most of the time I feel a lot better after.