View Full Version : Cardio testing

12-28-2012, 03:05 PM
Hi all. I'm going in for cardio testing starting this week. I'm having echo, holter, and stress tests done. I have a sever anxiety attack when I go to doctors offices. My anxiety is that they will tell me something is wrong. My health anxiety all relates to my heart rate. It's high, and doctors always comment on it. It's even high at home. Anyway, just curious who else has had the tests done, and if they were anxious during them, and if that affected the results. My cardio doc told me to take a Xanax BEFORE I do my stress test. But the others I dont need to. Thoughts?


12-28-2012, 03:18 PM
I can relate to you 100% I had a panic attack in the middle of a stress test and ripped the stuff off me they attach to you and I had this 1 quack asshole tell me a EKG was screwy and not right looking so they wanted to hospitalize me and I immedietly had a panic attack, those fn places at times do more bad then good. I have a constant high heart rate as well and maybe thats from constant anxiety/stress? Im not sure but it sucks especially when I cant sleep cause I feel it racing when I lay down.

12-28-2012, 04:12 PM
I had all those same test done. When I went in my heart rate was already 140 and I had not done anything yet. My BP was up too. But it did not effect any tests. Actually they want your heart rate to go up when on the tread mill to check the heart. So my doctor said I was already half way there. Lol. I did have a panic attack on the treadmill because I don't like my heart to go that fast. But they let me stop and calm down. My heart was high enough to get good results for the test and my heart was normal:) but I still struggle with skip heart beats every day.

12-28-2012, 05:24 PM
My HR was up at like 180 and the quack wasent telling me to stop I was like you mother F you want me to die or something? So I stopped myself.

12-28-2012, 05:38 PM
My HR was up at like 180 and the quack wasent telling me to stop I was like you mother F you want me to die or something? So I stopped myself.

Lol. That is normal really. They wanted mine up to 190 but I could not do it. Even runners get higher than 200 and people who work out. I am just to out of shape to get that high. I felt like I was going to pass out and too I was having an attack because my heart felt like it was fixen to explode and I hate that feeling. But at least they could see what they needed even though it did not go as high as they wanted:)

12-28-2012, 05:40 PM
My HR was up at like 180 and the quack wasent telling me to stop I was like you mother F you want me to die or something? So I stopped myself.

What is your age? If you don't mind me asking:)

12-28-2012, 05:40 PM
Thanks guys. It's funny, I just had a miscarriage, and my hr was high the entire time I was pregnant. It's actually been high since I had my son 5 years ago. Sitting its normal, but standing its between 94-125. Depends on the time of day. Anyway I had to get my records from his birth, and even 5 yrs ago my he was high. EKG had it at 94? On my discharge papers it says they told me to follow up with cardio, but I don EVER remember them saying anything, and my ob at the time never mentioned it to me. Funny that it was a problem then too, and I didn't have anxiety much then. I think I just naturally have a higher hr. kinda sucks because it's so much worse when I'm pregnant but im so desirous to have another child!!!! That's why I'm doing all of this. Getting everything checked before I jump into it again. My ob told me shes not worried about me having more children on a medical level, but she IS worried about my anxiety while pregnant. :/

12-28-2012, 05:46 PM
Thanks guys. It's funny, I just had a miscarriage, and my hr was high the entire time I was pregnant. It's actually been high since I had my son 5 years ago. Sitting its normal, but standing its between 94-125. Depends on the time of day. Anyway I had to get my records from his birth, and even 5 yrs ago my he was high. EKG had it at 94? On my discharge papers it says they told me to follow up with cardio, but I don EVER remember them saying anything, and my ob at the time never mentioned it to me. Funny that it was a problem then too, and I didn't have anxiety much then. I think I just naturally have a higher hr. kinda sucks because it's so much worse when I'm pregnant but im so desirous to have another child!!!! That's why I'm doing all of this. Getting everything checked before I jump into it again. My ob told me shes not worried about me having more children on a medical level, but she IS worried about my anxiety while pregnant. :/

Just go and get all the tests done. There not that bad at all. You will make it through and always remember your in control. If you wanna stop the treadmill you can. Don't let them bother you. Just try and complete it the best you can. And when your done you will be glad you did. And hopefully it will all turn out great and you can stop worrying about that:)

12-28-2012, 07:48 PM
What is your age? If you don't mind me asking:)

31 but im overweight and smoke so yeah lol

12-28-2012, 08:09 PM
I'm not really over weight but do smoke. Not a lot.maybe a pack every 2-3 days. So I was scared my lungs would give out. Lol.

12-28-2012, 08:10 PM
I'm not really over weight but do smoke. Not a lot.maybe a pack every 2-3 days. So I was scared my lungs would give out. Lol.

And I am 47. So you can do it:):)