View Full Version : I need advice.

12-28-2012, 02:27 PM
Back around 09 to maybe early 2010 (I'm pretty sure 09) I noticed what resembled the rash from lyme disease. I went to the doc and he said it looked like it could be so I was prescribed antibiotics for it which I can't recall what they were. I also had blood taken, but have heard it wouldn't show up in early stages sometimes. I took the antibiotics, though. In the last 4 months I have had an EKG, two blood tests that they told me were going to be testing a load of different things, and check ups. Everything was fine in all of them. I know you aren't doctors, but I've been so much lately that I'm making people mad because they find nothing and I go back. I can understand where they are coming from, which is why I am seeing what anyone thinks on here. Would anything at all show on all those blood tests after around 2 years? I know they weren't specific tests for lyme but would anything fighting infection show as raised levels? Also I did mention it to the doc the last time I got blood taken and he seemed interested and told me he was testing for alot. I gave quite a few tubes of blood. I'm sorry for rambling but this new fear of maybe this is going to weaken my body to the point I can't function, or weaken my heart which I have heard happen with that and rarely cause death. Also maybe my brain get inflamed or something. It sounds ridiculous, but I'm being serious.

12-29-2012, 03:58 PM
Hey, there. Am I understanding right that you just went for new blood tests and the results are not back yet? Take a few deep breaths and try to relax. You will know soon enough. Take a friend with you for the results, if you can. You haven't been diagnosed with anything so far. You are ok. Just keep telling yourself that. Take a walk or a bubble bath. Be good to yourself. You're worth it!

12-29-2012, 05:06 PM
Hi. I'm so sorry that this all is causing so much stress for you. You did exactly the right thing when you saw your doc for the rash. That is the very first and very early symptom of Lyme and most people don't even notice it. Beacause you did, you got the antibiotic treatment long before the Lyme could possibly have done any damage. And it's true that bloodwork which tests for antibodies to the Lyme may not show anything at all in the very earliest stage of Lyme because your body hasn't even had time to develop the antibodies. This means that you were the perfect Lyme patient, nailed the little buggers with the meds right at the start. No way could the disease had advanced. You are finished with it completely and can let the fear go.

02-22-2014, 03:42 AM
I don't agree with the post above ... Doctors sometimes give doxycycline in as short of a dose as 10 days. I caught Lyme early and I can tell you 10 days of doxy did NOT heal me. It is true the titer/western blot is unreliable... After 2 years you may be more likely to show positive but it's also possible after antibiotic treatment you won't. Plus, you may have had a coinfection. Ticks spread more than Lyme disease. And if you weren't properly treated for those, you could very well still be having issues with Lyme or coinfections. What you need to do is find a llmd who follows ilads guidelines and get checked out. Good luck