View Full Version : anyone take valium?

12-28-2012, 09:51 AM
I know I'm such a scaredy cat I should just take it at this point I really don't care if its addicting I need some relief will this give it to me I'm so scared to take it :( if I take will I be aBle to go outside without panicing?

12-28-2012, 10:22 AM
I know I'm such a scaredy cat I should just take it at this point I really don't care if its addicting I need some relief will this give it to me I'm so scared to take it :( if I take will I be aBle to go outside without panicing?

It won't hurt you. It is to help calm you down. Just take half and see how it does first. It may make you a bit sleepy. That why I say try half first:)

12-28-2012, 10:23 AM
I always cut new meds up first before I take the whole thing. Just so I don't panic about it. Lol.

12-28-2012, 11:16 AM
Lol they are 5s I thought about halfing it and then halfing the half can I do that?

12-28-2012, 11:23 AM
Lol they are 5s I thought about halfing it and then halfing the half can I do that?

I cut my clonopan in 4's and just take that 1/4 pill. Lol. Then if I need another 1/4 later I do that. That way I don't take to much and become so dependent. The more you take the more you get dependent and the more your body gets use to and then you need more to calm you down. So I just take the smallest I can. Just enough to break the edge off and then try and compose myself:)

12-28-2012, 12:03 PM
I cut my clonopan in 4's and just take that 1/4 pill. Lol. Then if I need another 1/4 later I do that. That way I don't take to much and become so dependent. The more you take the more you get dependent and the more your body gets use to and then you need more to calm you down. So I just take the smallest I can. Just enough to break the edge off and then try and compose myself:)

Lol yes I think that's what ill do I just can't get myself to put it in my mouth :/

12-28-2012, 12:59 PM
When I leave the house my stomach will start hurting or I will feel as if I can't breath if I take the med will that go away or will I just not panic about it? I cut the pill in forths and its really small lmao

12-28-2012, 01:16 PM
You know the quickest way to answer that is that the reason that people become addicted is that it makes them fell so good so they keep taking it .

It will help you but not taking it will help you also .

See if you take one single tablet and find out that it makes you feel good , then you will know that there is something there when needed . You will find just knowing this should help you push though things . I carried them for 3 years and only took one .

Its nit a cure all and there are other things you need to do like education and lifestyle changes but this will help you start instead of stressing about being stuck in a hole with no hope of a way out .

Thanks so much this is kinda like a last hope when the started I quit smoking I quit caffine I quit eating sugar I quit a lot of stuff hoping that it would help it get better then boom it went all downhill believe me I don't want to take meds to help me feel right but damn I wake up everyday dreading it I pray to god that he will send something to help me it seems kinda unreal that if u take 1 little pill you will feel wonderful but its worth a try plus I just sit at home panicing about feeling like I'm not there and like I'm alone even when my family is there it sucks

12-28-2012, 02:50 PM
Its good to hear you have quit all that stuff .

Education plays a huge role in recovery because until you stop questioning everything its hard to accept it .

I used this site and i have nothing to do with it just found it the best site and the symptoms list here is from there also

It also might pay to add a few things such as supps . I still take some to this day . There is a sticky thread that is worth a read.

Meditation also helps heaps i found.

Back to the benzo . You will need to find your dose. What would knock you out i would only just feel as i am pretty big. Start small and see how you go , if it makes you sleepy then its too much. If you feel nothing then it not that its not working but that you dont have enough.

They work on the same chemicals in the brain as alcohol so you more or less want to get a bit happy but not too pissed.

Dont take everyday if you can but its no harm to take for a few weeks and then every few days or when needed such as going out . Remember they stay in your system for 36 hours so give it a break every once in a while .

As i said just the thought that you have something that will help you is one thing you need , alot of anxiety recovery is about recovering that hope you lose.

The problem with going out and something you will have to face is that you have to do it without drugs to prove to your brain that there is nothing to worry about . This works with anything your scared of and its only because you felt that ill that you didnt want to do it that your brain has locked onto it and thinks that it is dangerous . The thing i and this is what sucks about treating anxiety as solely a mental illness is that you felt physically ill and most if not all people just want to rest when they are ill and you are no different .

This is where you could use the drugs a few times and then just try it without the drugs but with them on you telling yourself that if needed they are there .

:) thanks for your advice