View Full Version : Ive really just had enough now!

12-27-2012, 08:35 PM
Hello everyone (again),

Things have been getting progressively worse every single day, I don't know what's wrong with me but everyone I try and talk to just say "it's anxiety or depression" and I'm completely sick of it, I'm just going to list every single one of my symptoms and I would be so grateful if you could tell me if your feeling the same or have ideas on what is going on with me:

-my main symptom is constant numbess weakness weird sensation down the right side of my body, sometimes like its not even there!

-constant headaches, they change in severity from pain to dullness to pressure!

- I feel like I'm just living in a dream, and this is no joke, I don't believe any day of my life is actually happening, and I'm doing things that I would never normally do!

- my vision seems to be like loads of tiny dots its not blurred as such just disturbed, also I have loads of floaters and flashing lights especially when my eyes are closed!

- I can never sleep at night, If anything I hate sleep, possibly because I'm terrified I won't wake up and also when I do wake up I feel terrible like I can't even move

- I get a weird tingly feeling on the crown of my head, like a worm is wriggling under my skin, this is mainly at night

- I get constant muscle twitches that last for minutes sometimes all over my body neck legs arms everywhere!

- I get pins and needles feeling on my right side mainly but as soon as I move my the part of the body it goes away

- I feel like when I touch my body it's not mine and that I'm not controlling my body, this is pretty much constant and scares the hell out of me!

- I have a strong pain behind my eyes which can be really bad at times

- my memory is very poor, I will be about to do something the completely forget what it was I was going to do, but this happens 4-5 times a day!

- I feel extremly disconnected from my body, like I amaze myself when I move my hands and it feels like its not me doing it!

- quite bad back pain from the neck right down to the bottom of my spine

- a major increase in sexual desires, I'm constantly horny and have been masturbating alot more frequently!

I just generally feel like my body is shutting down and some sort of disease or illness is killing me, I've been to many doctors and a physician who has booked me in for an mri scan on the 17th but I fear I won't be here to see the day :/ I'm just constantly scared something is seriously wrong with me and everyone is missing it :/, I don't know who I am anymore I look in the mirror and don't see the person I used too, this all started completely randomly one day, before that I didn't have a worry In the world, never been anxious about anything, and now my world is destroying right in front of my eyes, please if you have any suggestions, advice or diagnosis I would be ever so greatful thank you so much for taking your time to read this!!

12-27-2012, 09:17 PM
Its anxiety and your letting it get the best of you! The more you dwell on it the symtoms are never gonna go away...I know how u feel I feel like I'm dieing or my brain is gonna shut down...I'm so scared but I'm not...they are just feelings....I hate this shit it is horriaBle but what can you do? What can we say on here? You have to believe in your heart do you want a brain tumor? No you need to stop your way of thinking hun I've been feeling like I'm gonna die for the passed 4 months and I'm still here yet I still think I am for no reason! The mind is very tricky but you can't let it beat you..

12-27-2012, 09:20 PM
.. It's just so hard :(, I never cry or really show sad emotions... But it's all I do now :(

12-28-2012, 07:32 AM
I wake up every morning and feel disabled from my body and it takes me hours to realise who I am! :/

12-28-2012, 07:41 AM
I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time. I understand it gets frustrating when you feel this way and believe you are sick and everyone tells you it's anxiety. I don't think anything we tell you os going to relieve your pain. I hope that once you get the MRI, it will shed some light on what is going on. If it's all clear then you will have to try to accept that or you will live in a constant struggle and start believing something else is causing all of this. Just remember, we are all here for you!

12-28-2012, 08:02 AM
Thank you for replying!, but do you honestly think ALL those symptoms could actually be anxiety related?

12-28-2012, 08:15 AM
Thank you for replying!, but do you honestly think ALL those symptoms could actually be anxiety related?

I am sure u have a deficiency in ur vitamin D check it out and get a prescription for it

12-28-2012, 08:31 AM
Thank you for replying!, but do you honestly think ALL those symptoms could actually be anxiety related?

I'm not a doctor, honey so I cannot say for sure. A lot of your symptoms do point to anxiety and I really don't think it's a tumor.

12-28-2012, 08:38 AM
Thank you for replying!, but do you honestly think ALL those symptoms could actually be anxiety related?

I also get the worm feeling in my skin. Exp my legs.at night and also the twitches in my legs exp at night and sometimes if I am just sitting. My memory is not the same. I forget all the time. I have every symptom you have some days more than others but the sex part. I am so nervous most of the time I don't want to do anything. I have been to the doctor thinking it was restless legs but he said no. All anxiety. Just like when you eye twitches it happens to other muscles too.

12-28-2012, 08:40 AM
Hmmm I really do hope so :/, I don't even have panic attacks I've only ever had 2 in my whole life, I get episodes where a sudden fear just rushes through my body an it feels like I'm going to die, is that even normal?

12-28-2012, 08:44 AM
Hmmm I really do hope so :/, I don't even have panic attacks I've only ever had 2 in my whole life, I get episodes where a sudden fear just rushes through my body an it feels like I'm going to die, is that even normal?

Yes it's normal. Ya know how I know? I live it nearly every day. I've had a few panic attacks but have been proficient at keeping them in check BUT I have the constant fear almost every day. Last night I was completely relaxed (or so I thought ) laying in bed and BAM I start feeling really nervous, beyond nervous...terrified.

12-28-2012, 08:48 AM
Hmmm I really do hope so :/, I don't even have panic attacks I've only ever had 2 in my whole life, I get episodes where a sudden fear just rushes through my body an it feels like I'm going to die, is that even normal?

That's a panic attack

12-28-2012, 08:49 AM
Hmmm I really do hope so :/, I don't even have panic attacks I've only ever had 2 in my whole life, I get episodes where a sudden fear just rushes through my body an it feels like I'm going to die, is that even normal?

I don't get full blow panic attacks either. Very rarely. Mine is just anxiety, nervous, skipping heart beats. Mainly all the symptoms. Sometime I feel I could climb the walls. But I am not hyperventilating or anything. Just worry about everything that hurts or don't feel good. I have episodes when all of a sudden I get this rush of aderelinen through my body and scares the crap out I me. But I never totally freak out. I may feel faint or dizzy. My neck all the way to the bottom of my back hurts everyday. Tight muscles. Leg muscles stay tight. It's just all nerve related. I can have a stomach ache and feel I have some bad disease. I have tingling in my legs a lot. Also diff areas of my skin will hurt even to touch. But he said its nerves reacting. The list goes on:(

12-28-2012, 11:16 AM
Hmmm I really do hope so :/, I don't even have panic attacks I've only ever had 2 in my whole life, I get episodes where a sudden fear just rushes through my body an it feels like I'm going to die, is that even normal?

Yes I'm sure if you read some of my posts you would see. I do that ALL the time. When someone asks why I'm crying all I can say is..I don't know I just got this overwhelming fear like I won't be here long, but I've been doing that for almost 8 months and I still can't get my mind to say, look you have said this every night stop doing it. Then I get even worse and start thinking what if it's trying to give me a sign. It's never ending unless you just say I don't care and mean it. Unfortunately everytime I've said I don't care my mind says oh yes you do.

12-28-2012, 11:25 AM
I know exactly what your saying! I feel exactly the same!, do you ever feel that your eyes are moving in slow motion and just find it hard to understand what is reality and what is a dream, sometimes I when I'm at home I feel like its not my house and people I know really well I don't know as much :( it scares me so much :(