View Full Version : How To Treat Breathing Issues Related to Anxiety

12-27-2012, 08:21 PM
It is no surprise to me that many of you suffer a similar issue I had which is air hunger and constant over-breathing. I was breathing to the point were I felt like a hot air balloon. The more I breathed the more air hunger I felt. Over breathing can cause so many health problems. Instead of me having to repeat myself on multiple threads, I thought I'd lay out the info here. I am not Patrick. My name is Jeremy. I do not sell this nor do I make any money off these. But when I was knee deep in agoraphobia and sever panic disorder, on Zoloft and Klonopins, I bought this book and read it, listened to the MP3 at least twice a day, practiced the exercises, I did one $50 Skype session with the author. He lives in Ireland. Within 5 days my anxiety reduced by about 50%. I then continued to practice it, and do all the other stuff I did that I've mentioned a bunch of times already. Anytime I'd go out when I had anxiety and I felt it coming on, I wold drop into reduced Buteyko breathing and it would help. I am now med free and anxiety free.

There are free videos about how to practice Buteyko breathing. He treats a lot of asthma patients, but it works stellar for anxiety if there are breathing issues related to it. Watch all these free videos here:

Get this book and MP3 here: Scroll down to: Anxiety Free, Quietn the Mind


The key is to reduce the breathing by relaxation not forcing it. Although I will admit at first I forced it. But you are doing 3 things:

1) Resetting the respiratory center of your brain to a slower rate

2) Increasing CO2 storage in your body which creates more oxygen to all your organs of your body including your brain

3) Relaxing

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