View Full Version : Constant pvcs

12-27-2012, 06:54 PM
This are scaring me there so constant I love my leg n there goes the PVC I burp too anything I do it happends it's wearing me out .. I wana go to the ER so bad but I hv my two girls with me why do I feel thus I'm I the only one its like every second :/

12-27-2012, 06:55 PM
This are scaring me there so constant I love my leg n there goes the PVC I burp too anything I do it happends it's wearing me out .. I wana go to the ER so bad but I hv my two girls with me why do I feel thus I'm I the only one its like every second :/

Sorry I move my legs n there goes the pvcs :/

12-27-2012, 07:28 PM
Sorry I move my legs n there goes the pvcs :/

Can a cold and a flu give you more pvcs. ? N throat irritation ?

12-27-2012, 07:28 PM
This must really suck for you! Well, you have been checked out and given the ok, right? Then you can know its not life threatening.

Get on 400 mg twice daily of Magnesium Glycinate, and Vitamin D3 5000 mg a day ASAP and see if this helps. You have to take these. I am not sure why this is happening all day for you. Have you had your thyroid and TSH checked?

Something is triggering your heart to do this. Can you do some reduced relaxing slow breathing? Not heavy, but reduced breathing.

12-27-2012, 07:42 PM
This must really suck for you! Well, you have been checked out and given the ok, right? Then you can know its not life threatening.

Get on 400 mg twice daily of Magnesium Glycinate, and Vitamin D3 5000 mg a day ASAP and see if this helps. You have to take these. I am not sure why this is happening all day for you. Have you had your thyroid and TSH checked?

Something is triggering your heart to do this. Can you do some reduced relaxing slow breathing? Not heavy, but reduced breathing.

Hi yes I have got the ok they do see the premature beats but he said its fine .. But if it gets worst to go back so I can take beta blocker but he does not want to give me that cause my bp is low usually at 107/60 n that can lower it more. ... Sometimes when I eat I get it 20 min later :/ too I am taking pottasium they have checked my thyroid & it's okay too we're can I get the mag and the calcium do I have to take them together ? Sony take those to ?

12-27-2012, 07:57 PM
No do not take Calcium.

Buy these:
2 capsules twice daily http://www.iherb.com/Bluebonnet-Nutrition-Chelated-Magnesium-90-Vcaps/14198

1 a day of this: http://www.iherb.com/Pure-Essence-Vitamin-D-5000-IU-30-Veggie-Caps/15545

Are you over breathing?

12-27-2012, 08:04 PM
No do not take Calcium.

Buy these:
2 capsules twice daily http://www.iherb.com/Bluebonnet-Nutrition-Chelated-Magnesium-90-Vcaps/14198

1 a day of this: http://www.iherb.com/Pure-Essence-Vitamin-D-5000-IU-30-Veggie-Caps/15545

Are you over breathing?

Yea sometimes I over breath .. Since there diatry supplement it won't cause more pvcs ?

12-27-2012, 08:05 PM
No these supplements will not hurt you. They are required for life. Just try them. They wont hurt you.
Also, in iherb.com type in "arrhythmia" or "pvc" and you will see there are a few herbal options.

12-27-2012, 08:09 PM
You may be breathing too much. This can cause heart irregularities possibly. Get this book and MP3 here: Scroll down to Anxiety Free


Watch the free videos here on how to do Buteyko Breathing


12-27-2012, 08:25 PM
This are scaring me there so constant I love my leg n there goes the PVC I burp too anything I do it happends it's wearing me out .. I wana go to the ER so bad but I hv my two girls with me why do I feel thus I'm I the only one its like every second :/

I know how you feel. Mine do that too. Every other beat for hours and it freaks me out and I want to run to the hospital too. But then I have to remember the heart doctor said that even if its every other beat its ok because my heart is strong and I do make it through it. I am still here. Right now I am having them about 1 every 5 mins. So I can handle that better. I do take a beta blocker but it does not take them away. It just helps slow my heart down because it will beat fast. It also helps slow down your Adrenalin . Just try and calm down because it makes them worse and more one after another. Go take a hot bath. It helps me.

12-27-2012, 08:28 PM
I know how you feel. Mine do that too. Every other beat for hours and it freaks me out and I want to run to the hospital too. But then I have to remember the heart doctor said that even if its every other beat its ok because my heart is strong and I do make it through it. I am still here. Right now I am having them about 1 every 5 mins. So I can handle that better. I do take a beta blocker but it does not take them away. It just helps slow my heart down because it will beat fast. It also helps slow down your Adrenalin . Just try and calm down because it makes them worse and more one after another. Go take a hot bath. It helps me.

Thanks so much :)

12-27-2012, 08:36 PM
You may be breathing too much. This can cause heart irregularities possibly. Get this book and MP3 here: Scroll down to Anxiety Free


Watch the free videos here on how to do Buteyko Breathing


Can a cold and flu n sore throat give u pvcs

12-28-2012, 06:21 AM
I have heard being sick can increase them.

12-28-2012, 07:55 AM
I have heard being sick can increase them.

Yea I'm sick I have a cold & my throat hurts I fe them more it's scaring me I even woke up to them

12-28-2012, 08:03 AM
Try to stay calm. Your still here so they won't hurt you. I tell myself that too but it usually don't work when there going every other beat. Lol. But you will get through. Can't believe I actually found someone that has these stupid things as much as I do. Hope it calms down some. Go take a warm bath. That usually helps some:)

12-28-2012, 08:09 AM
Try to stay calm. Your still here so they won't hurt you. I tell myself that too but it usually don't work when there going every other beat. Lol. But you will get through. Can't believe I actually found someone that has these stupid things as much as I do. Hope it calms down some. Go take a warm bath. That usually helps some:)

Thanks hun :) usually hot stuff trigger mind too idk why :( but there so horrible I can't seem to take it no more I feel as my heart is gonna stop ... Idk if me Bieng sick is increasing them ?

12-28-2012, 08:11 AM
Try to stay calm. Your still here so they won't hurt you. I tell myself that too but it usually don't work when there going every other beat. Lol. But you will get through. Can't believe I actually found someone that has these stupid things as much as I do. Hope it calms down some. Go take a warm bath. That usually helps some:)

Or even when I cough or move it seems to happend to it feels that if my heart is weak :/

12-28-2012, 08:55 AM
Being sick does increase your heart rate and palps. I can take a deep breath and it will skip. I can roll over and it skips. It skips with about everything I do when I am having the constant. Now today I have only had about 10 since I woke up::) but there not gone. But I can move around bend over, cough, take a deep breath and they don't do it every time. So I can handle these better. Does your hurt or pinch when it skips? Mine does and that is so annoying.

12-28-2012, 09:51 AM
This are scaring me there so constant I love my leg n there goes the PVC I burp too anything I do it happends it's wearing me out .. I wana go to the ER so bad but I hv my two girls with me why do I feel thus I'm I the only one its like every second :/

Urrgghhh... living hell I imagine.

Silly question but how do you know its skipping? like, what is the sensation like?

Are they really 100% constant?

Have you tried exercising? only your brain takes more control of your heart when demand is high... but just sitting around seems to leave the heart vulnerable to external influences.

12-28-2012, 10:16 AM
Urrgghhh... living hell I imagine.

Silly question but how do you know its skipping? like, what is the sensation like?

Are they really 100% constant?

Have you tried exercising? only your brain takes more control of your heart when demand is high... but just sitting around seems to leave the heart vulnerable to external influences.

When mine skips I can feel it in my throat and when I check my Pulse. I also have a blood pressure monitor and it picks them up too. Sitting around does make them occur more. Your right. I find if I am having them constant and I get up and do something they lessen. But then when I sit again they pick back up:( it's a vicious cycle! I can have them skip all day every other beat some days. Doc said its fine and not to worry. But when it happens its so hard not to worry because they make your aderelinen pick up.

12-28-2012, 10:16 AM
Urrgghhh... living hell I imagine.

Silly question but how do you know its skipping? like, what is the sensation like?

Are they really 100% constant?

Have you tried exercising? only your brain takes more control of your heart when demand is high... but just sitting around seems to leave the heart vulnerable to external influences.

Yes :/ I am .. There like flutter felling I feel it In my throat it's stops and then a big one comes it constant it don't stop :( they been constant for over a month now usually at nite but now that I'm sick there worst

12-28-2012, 10:55 AM
Yes :/ I am .. There like flutter felling I feel it In my throat it's stops and then a big one comes it constant it don't stop :( they been constant for over a month now usually at nite but now that I'm sick there worst

You mention being sick. Do you have a fever? The heart's natural reaction to a fever or fighting infection is to beat faster to get more blood flow. I was running a fever for a few days not too long ago and my heart beat stayed over 90 for those days while it generally stays in the 70s to 80s. If you're someone that experiences pvcs then I'd imagine this would increase them.

12-28-2012, 11:10 AM
You mention being sick. Do you have a fever? The heart's natural reaction to a fever or fighting infection is to beat faster to get more blood flow. I was running a fever for a few days not too long ago and my heart beat stayed over 90 for those days while it generally stays in the 70s to 80s. If you're someone that experiences pvcs then I'd imagine this would increase them.

Yea it's bothering me alot I dnt think I hv fever but I hv sore throat n headache n runny nose it's like a flutter after a nother in my heart

12-28-2012, 11:25 AM
When you take your pulse on your neck what is it doing. Like skipping every other beat, every beat, or skipping then a good few beats and skipping again?

12-28-2012, 11:46 AM
When you take your pulse on your neck what is it doing. Like skipping every other beat, every beat, or skipping then a good few beats and skipping again?

A good few beats like fluttering n skipping n then more skips n them my heart starts to beat wierd

12-28-2012, 01:07 PM
When mine skips I can feel it in my throat and when I check my Pulse. I also have a blood pressure monitor and it picks them up too. Sitting around does make them occur more. Your right. I find if I am having them constant and I get up and do something they lessen. But then when I sit again they pick back up:( it's a vicious cycle! I can have them skip all day every other beat some days. Doc said its fine and not to worry. But when it happens its so hard not to worry because they make your aderelinen pick up.

My personal experience is that its not the sitting that causes it, its the sitting / thinking / worrying / waiting (for it to happen again) that does it.

You know, once anxiety disorder has fully established itself - your mind & body can become "extremely" vulnerable to stressy thoughts. It can only take a little bit of stress / excitement to cause the heart to go wobbly. You can probably feel the electrical activity around your heart during times of stress? i know i can.
You mentioned kids... kids put an untold stress on parents. Sometimes not so obvious but i assure you its there.
My best action is:


Get outdoors - go for walk

Distraction with something occupying

Distressing, isnt it? nothing worse than a wobbly heart!

12-28-2012, 04:56 PM
A good few beats like fluttering n skipping n then more skips n them my heart starts to beat wierd

As long as you are getting good beats your going to be fine. It can flutter and skip every other beat and be fine. As long as you do not have bad chest pain or pass out you will get through this:)

12-28-2012, 05:01 PM
My personal experience is that its not the sitting that causes it, its the sitting / thinking / worrying / waiting (for it to happen again) that does it.

You know, once anxiety disorder has fully established itself - your mind & body can become "extremely" vulnerable to stressy thoughts. It can only take a little bit of stress / excitement to cause the heart to go wobbly. You can probably feel the electrical activity around your heart during times of stress? i know i can.
You mentioned kids... kids put an untold stress on parents. Sometimes not so obvious but i assure you its there.
My best action is:


Get outdoors - go for walk

Distraction with something occupying

Distressing, isnt it? nothing worse than a wobbly heart!

Yep your right. I can get just a tab bit nervous now and it sets them off:(

12-28-2012, 05:32 PM
As long as you are getting good beats your going to be fine. It can flutter and skip every other beat and be fine. As long as you do not have bad chest pain or pass out you will get through this:)

Thank u so much I can't bielieve we suffer the same thing

12-28-2012, 05:55 PM
Thank u so much I can't bielieve we suffer the same thing

I know it. I have googled everything about PVC's. that's what they are. And they all say they are harmless but very uncomfortable. They can happen even with 1-2- or 3 missed beats together or every other skip beat or every 3-4-5th etc. but I tell you not to worry but I know how hard it is not to. I wish I could take my own advice. Lol. I get worried every time they get to close together. I can be up and down all night sometimes. But the good news is WERE STIll HERE. Lol. And your still here after all the palps your having.:)

12-28-2012, 05:59 PM
And I also saw in another post you have been to the cardiologist and got the ok that its pvc's. so that's good news:) are you on any meds for anxiety or your heart? I take a beta blocker to slow mine down and clonopan to help calm my anxiety. It really helps when the palps get bad. I still freak out just not as bad. I can at least try and relax and cope.

12-29-2012, 07:24 PM
Thank u so much I can't bielieve we suffer the same thing

How are you doing today? Any relief on the palps?

12-29-2012, 07:29 PM
How are you doing today? Any relief on the palps?

Yea I feel better alot more I just can't eat much since I'm sick !! If I do eat I feel pvcs :/ I felt this wierd sensation earlier were I thought I was going to faint :( but I'm alot better my whole body still hurts still n my neck too :/ I went to drop off my two girls at there grandmas since me n my fiancé been sick .. I guess so we can rest even though I miss them :/ I have a 4 month old & a4year old you hum how have u felt ?

12-29-2012, 07:36 PM
Yea I feel better alot more I just can't eat much since I'm sick !! If I do eat I feel pvcs :/ I felt this wierd sensation earlier were I thought I was going to faint :( but I'm alot better my whole body still hurts still n my neck too :/ I went to drop off my two girls at there mothers since me n my fiancé been sick .. I guess so we can rest even though I miss them :/ I have a 4 month old & a4year old you hum how have u felt ?

Oops sorry grandmas house lol

12-29-2012, 08:06 PM
Well glad to hear they have calmed down:) mine have calmed down a bit yesterday and today:) I am kinda starting to see a pattern when its that time of the month. They seem real bad a few days before and then the first 3 days. Then when I'm off I only have a handful each day. I am trying to keep track better. I am a lot older than you are. Lol. And going through the first stages of pre menopause. I am on a patch that seems to always have me starting every 2 weeks. So I may have to come off that but it also helps keep my hormones in control better. It has seems to calm my anxiety down sooo much since I started them. I still get anxiety but nothing like before. So I am struggling with do I stop it and have worse anxiety or do I keep going and have tons of palps all the time and pretty much live on my cycle:( just not sure yet.

12-29-2012, 08:08 PM
Oops sorry grandmas house lol

Oh yea. And now that the kids are at grandmas. Take care of your self:):) relax, take a warm bath and just take it easy. You don't have to keep getting up and making bottles, fixen there food etc. it's your time to relax:)

12-29-2012, 08:41 PM
Oh yea. And now that the kids are at grandmas. Take care of your self:):) relax, take a warm bath and just take it easy. You don't have to keep getting up and making bottles, fixen there food etc. it's your time to relax:)

Yes lol thanks so much :) I just wana get this over with already I have a huge headache .. Me to seems like I dnt suffer that much with anxiety n panic anymore before I used to feel dizzy 24/7 now I dnt feel them .. Now my problem is my pvcs :/

12-29-2012, 08:50 PM
Yep me too. I can be so relaxed and feeling good but then the pvc's start. When they start my anxiety does too:(

12-29-2012, 08:52 PM
Yep me too. I can be so relaxed and feeling good but then the pvc's start. When they start my anxiety does too:(

Yess ughhh !! Wish god takes away all the suffering we all go to :/ & everybody be healthy

12-29-2012, 08:54 PM
Yep me too. I can be so relaxed and feeling good but then the pvc's start. When they start my anxiety does too:(

Yess one day hopefully god will end our suffering for good n b back to normal :)

12-29-2012, 08:56 PM
Yess ughhh !! Wish god takes away all the suffering we all go to :/ & everybody be healthy

:) I know it. I just want them to stop for good so I can have my life back. I don't even go out of town much like I use to because I am scared to be far from home now incase something happens.

12-29-2012, 08:58 PM
:) I know it. I just want them to stop for good so I can have my life back. I don't even go out of town much like I use to because I am scared to be far from home now incase something happens.

Yea I don't travel at all too feels like I'm pushing my spouse away cause of it .. N I'm not sexually active like before I have no interested in anything because I'm afraid my heart would stop I dnt even enjoy my kids as much 😢

12-30-2012, 01:45 AM
Can anyone answer this for me please? I have never been informed that I have pvcs and I know everyone has them sometimes while they are harmless. Had a normal ekg. I would just like to know if what I feel are pvcs or just muscle twitches. I never paid attention to them because it just feels like when you get a twitch in your face, except it happens in my chest. It is very brief and just twitches like a muscle with no pain and then goes away. I never notice a skip beat and my pulse in my neck is always steady during. Is that just muscle twitches? Also, does anyone get these muscle twitches in random places? I've always thought it was normal.

12-30-2012, 03:45 AM
Did you get the Magnesium Glycinate like I told you? 600-800 mg a day.

Tell me all medication and supplements you are taking. This may be a side effect. In rare cases, I have heard fish oil can do this, but I would think some meds can too. List everything you are taking.

12-30-2012, 08:02 AM
Can anyone answer this for me please? I have never been informed that I have pvcs and I know everyone has them sometimes while they are harmless. Had a normal ekg. I would just like to know if what I feel are pvcs or just muscle twitches. I never paid attention to them because it just feels like when you get a twitch in your face, except it happens in my chest. It is very brief and just twitches like a muscle with no pain and then goes away. I never notice a skip beat and my pulse in my neck is always steady during. Is that just muscle twitches? Also, does anyone get these muscle twitches in random places? I've always thought it was normal.

Sometimes we can get just muscle twitches in the cheats. My cardio dr said when I had a heart monitor on that I pushed the button sometimes but my heart did not skip so it was prob a muscle twitch. I have muscle twitches in my legs, eye lids, stomach. They bother me sometimes. But the chest palps and twitches are the worst.

12-30-2012, 08:04 AM
Yea I don't travel at all too feels like I'm pushing my spouse away cause of it .. N I'm not sexually active like before I have no interested in anything because I'm afraid my heart would stop I dnt even enjoy my kids as much dde22

You sound like me. My husband really does not understand. He get frustrated a bit. But when my heart is going crazy your in no mood to have even someone talk to you. Your nerves are shot!

12-30-2012, 08:09 AM
You sound like me. My husband really does not understand. He get frustrated a bit. But when my heart is going crazy your in no mood to have even someone talk to you. Your nerves are shot!

Agreed! They could never really understand unless they experience it. It's no fun at all and puts me in a horrible mood.

12-30-2012, 08:40 AM
I have even told him I. Don't wish this on anyone but if you could just have this for 1 day and see how it feels maybe you would understand more and realize its hard to even function when your like this.

12-30-2012, 08:44 AM
I have even told him I. Don't wish this on anyone but if you could just have this for 1 day and see how it feels maybe you would understand more and realize its hard to even function when your like this.

Oh I can't even remember how many times I've told my girlfriend the exact same thing. I get the whole "only you can overcome this, there is nothing wrong with you." I know I'm physically healthy, but I just want to explode when someone tells me that because it's not like you can snap your fingers and quit.

12-30-2012, 08:50 AM
Did you get the Magnesium Glycinate like I told you? 600-800 mg a day.

Tell me all medication and supplements you are taking. This may be a side effect. In rare cases, I have heard fish oil can do this, but I would think some meds can too. List everything you are taking.

I'm taking magnesium 500mg and pottasium 550mg

12-30-2012, 08:51 AM
Agreed! They could never really understand unless they experience it. It's no fun at all and puts me in a horrible mood.

Exactly huh I hate it when there not supportive :/

12-30-2012, 08:52 AM
You sound like me. My husband really does not understand. He get frustrated a bit. But when my heart is going crazy your in no mood to have even someone talk to you. Your nerves are shot!

Yess ughh I hate how they don't understand you

12-30-2012, 08:52 AM
Oh I can't even remember how many times I've told my girlfriend the exact same thing. I get the whole "only you can overcome this, there is nothing wrong with you." I know I'm physically healthy, but I just want to explode when someone tells me that because it's not like you can snap your fingers and quit.

Yess the same here he says the same thing to me too

12-30-2012, 09:04 AM
Yea. Do they really think we enjoy this?? If I knew how to stop this I would not be having this. Lol. I want so much for it to stop. I have been to therapist etc and nothing helps. I hear the same things from people. You bring this on yourself, it's all in your head etc. well that may be true but when your prone to anxiety and panic it's not as easy to just get over it. Some people like my husband are just very calm and do not let anything bother them. We are all wired diff. I grew up in a house of stressful parents. Not that its am excuse but I believe to a point it's a learned behavior that makes it harder to break the cycle. My dad is just like this. He is on meds for the same thing I am going through. He almost drank himself to death twice last year. He was never a drinker. Thank God he stop drinking but now on meds that help him.

12-30-2012, 09:13 AM
Yes my dad has been through psychologists when I was a kid. I agree about being wired different. I find it funny how in the last 4 months I have started listening to conversations while I'm at a family event or something. I always pick things that they say out and think in my head how in the world can you just say that and not care. For example, one of them was joking about shaving his head, but said he had too many lumps for that and started laughing. Immediately in my head I thought "wow I'd be obsessing over every lump on my head thinking it was something but this guy just laughs and goes on and knows it's normal." It's weird how we can think.

12-30-2012, 09:48 AM
Yes my dad has been through psychologists when I was a kid. I agree about being wired different. I find it funny how in the last 4 months I have started listening to conversations while I'm at a family event or something. I always pick things that they say out and think in my head how in the world can you just say that and not care. For example, one of them was joking about shaving his head, but said he had too many lumps for that and started laughing. Immediately in my head I thought "wow I'd be obsessing over every lump on my head thinking it was something but this guy just laughs and goes on and knows it's normal." It's weird how we can think.

I would worry about it too. Lol. I can get a bruse and think its going to turn into cancer or something. I wonder the same things, my good friend had Brest cancer and then it spread to other parts and her bone. I though she was a goner. :( she always had a positive out look on everything. Never scared she would die. Lost all her hair, went through crap, lost weight, sick, etc. I was obsessing over her condition more than her. It actually made my anxiety worse and I dwelled on it. And she just went about her everyday life. She survived it all and has been cancer free for 4 yrs now:):). But I would of lost it and been in really bad shape. Why do we do that to ourself? Why can't I have a positive outlook on life like her. And I am not sick like that.

12-30-2012, 11:17 AM
I would worry about it too. Lol. I can get a bruse and think its going to turn into cancer or something. I wonder the same things, my good friend had Brest cancer and then it spread to other parts and her bone. I though she was a goner. :( she always had a positive out look on everything. Never scared she would die. Lost all her hair, went through crap, lost weight, sick, etc. I was obsessing over her condition more than her. It actually made my anxiety worse and I dwelled on it. And she just went about her everyday life. She survived it all and has been cancer free for 4 yrs now:):). But I would of lost it and been in really bad shape. Why do we do that to ourself? Why can't I have a positive outlook on life like her. And I am not sick like that.

Wow, your friend is really strong. I wish I too could have such a positive outlook. I think I would go completely crazy if that was me.

12-30-2012, 11:24 AM
Me too. I just don't understand how someone can be so strong through something like that and I can't even get over anxiety.

01-03-2013, 11:49 PM
I have been experimenting a bit and I think, well, at least I hope, I may have some good results. Heart skips may be related to a food allergy. I will have to go a few more days before I can say for sure. In the meantime, you can do this and record your results. It won't hurt you, and you may even lose some weight. Maybe soon my name will be HeartskipsCured.

Do this starting now. Cut out all corn, gluten, dairy, soy, peanuts eggs, and sugar. Do not eat anything that has any wheat or flour at all even in the least bit. Do not eat cheese, yogurt,milk, ice cream or butter. No soy even no soy sauce or teriyaki sauce. No sweets or any drink with sugar. Only 1-2 servings of fruit a day. No corn. Non gluten grains are quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth and rice. Although I say cut out rice for the time being in this experiment. No juice. Only drink is water or tea, and no honey. Do not eat any meal with over 5 grams of sugar. Eggs can be a food allergen, so cut out all egg products. Cut out all alcohol.

The data is not conclusive yet, but I think I am on to something, Please cut out all these foods for the next few days and see if your skips happen less. Obviously, real results may take 3 weeks, but if they happen at least less, then we know we are on to something. Please give this a try. I cured my anxiety and panic, so anything is possible. All I ask is you give it 3 full days and see if your heart skips less. Imagine if I am right?

01-04-2013, 06:24 AM
I have been experimenting a bit and I think, well, at least I hope, I may have some good results. Heart skips may be related to a food allergy. I will have to go a few more days before I can say for sure. In the meantime, you can do this and record your results. It won't hurt you, and you may even lose some weight. Maybe soon my name will be HeartskipsCured.

Do this starting now. Cut out all corn, gluten, dairy, soy, peanuts eggs, and sugar. Do not eat anything that has any wheat or flour at all even in the least bit. Do not eat cheese, yogurt,milk, ice cream or butter. No soy even no soy sauce or teriyaki sauce. No sweets or any drink with sugar. Only 1-2 servings of fruit a day. No corn. Non gluten grains are quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth and rice. Although I say cut out rice for the time being in this experiment. No juice. Only drink is water or tea, and no honey. Do not eat any meal with over 5 grams of sugar. Eggs can be a food allergen, so cut out all egg products. Cut out all alcohol.

The data is not conclusive yet, but I think I am on to something, Please cut out all these foods for the next few days and see if your skips happen less. Obviously, real results may take 3 weeks, but if they happen at least less, then we know we are on to something. Please give this a try. I cured my anxiety and panic, so anything is possible. All I ask is you give it 3 full days and see if your heart skips less. Imagine if I am right?

So what can we eat ?

01-04-2013, 06:34 AM
So what can we eat ?

Air and dust? lol

01-04-2013, 06:43 AM
Air and dust? lol

Oh, and fingernail clippings...

01-04-2013, 08:14 AM
Dazza go away! You are annoying and do not help!

You can eat all meats, all vegetables and all fruits, just keep fruit to 1-2 servings a day, like an apple and an orange. You can eat any grain without gluten. I guess you can eat rice. There are rice tortillas and stuff. You can eat beans and nuts but not peanuts. There is a lot you can eat. Just do this for a few days and see if your heart beats more normal.

01-04-2013, 08:52 AM
Dazza go away! You are annoying and do not help!

You can eat all meats, all vegetables and all fruits, just keep fruit to 1-2 servings a day, like an apple and an orange. You can eat any grain without gluten. I guess you can eat rice. There are rice tortillas and stuff. You can eat beans and nuts but not peanuts. There is a lot you can eat. Just do this for a few days and see if your heart beats more normal.

Thank you :)

01-04-2013, 09:00 AM
The point is to eliminate all allergens and see if thats the problem. I got this idea from this book: http://thevirgindiet.com/book/ I actually never read the book. Just saw her on TV talking about these 7 foods to avoid, and I tried it, and I've been feeling very good. A noticeable difference. The logic made sense since you and others say they are related to food sometimes. She says doit for 21 days but I saw you may notice an improvement with your palpitations in a day or 2 if it is in fact related to food.