View Full Version : Chest anxiety, yet again....

12-27-2012, 06:45 PM
So, at the moment I'm having tightness in my chest, shortness of breath and rapid heart beat. I can't stand this. I took a Xanax this morning when I woke up, because I had a nightmare, which I never have, that my little girl went missing. I knew it was going to be a rough day. I've been ok for the most part throughout the day, but this evening, these symptoms started up. I just want to get over this. I don't want to live my life like this. I want to be the best mom for my kids and this is holding me back.

12-27-2012, 07:06 PM
Been dealing with the same stuff all day today, only relief I get it when the bad thoughts start up..I tell them to "blow it out of their asses..." and do my best to accept that it's anxiety and it cannot and will not ever hurt us. The symptoms don't really go away..but the fear over them does.

12-27-2012, 09:44 PM
So, at the moment I'm having tightness in my chest, shortness of breath and rapid heart beat. I can't stand this. I took a Xanax this morning when I woke up, because I had a nightmare, which I never have, that my little girl went missing. I knew it was going to be a rough day. I've been ok for the most part throughout the day, but this evening, these symptoms started up. I just want to get over this. I don't want to live my life like this. I want to be the best mom for my kids and this is holding me back.

Hey there. I'm sorry you are having such a hard time right now. Are you in therapy at all? Do you journal or do mindfulness meditations? These can all give you skills to deal with those unpleasant emotions. Your kids are lucky to have you! Be good to yourself. You're worth it!

12-28-2012, 05:57 AM
Chest tightness and pain is commong with the fight or flight resposne. The sense that we're in danger pumps adrenaline filled blood around the chest muscles to protect vital organs from damage. Anj ingenius syste. But with anxious people constnatly feeling in danger, worrying and fretting...this causes these muscles to have prolonged exposure to adrenaline filled blood which causes chest aches and pains over time.

When it occurs don't let fear take over or "what if?" questions. Instead focus on deep breathing. Long breaths in, hold and the longest slowest breaths out through pursed lips. All the while reminding yourself you're not in danger, its just anxiety.

Distraction is good too, keep yourself busy and away from all this over-thinking about pains and aches etc.


12-28-2012, 06:16 AM
Reading these posts will help and reassure you that you are not alone. We all have and still go through the same horrible feelings and thoughts, for me knowing this helps calm me down, hang in there.

12-28-2012, 06:19 AM
Reading these posts will help and reassure you that you are not alone. We all have and still go through the same horrible feelings and thoughts, for me knowing this helps calm me down, hang in there.

Nice Addidas! i like the London series :-)

12-29-2012, 03:27 PM
Another day of it.... So my day was alright, I guess. Drove through lots of snow to get to work. I was all bundled up because of the cold, then I got hot flashes from being too bundled. Got myself straightened out when I got to work until it was about time to end the day there. I started getting dizzy, racing heart and lightheaded. I took a Xanax and felt alright by the time I got home. Decided to take a nap with my little one and kept waking up with a racing heart. I don't get it. I was relaxed and sleeping, no nightmares or anything and it kept happening. Since we got up, I just feel the racing, jitteriness, and uneasy feeling. :(

12-29-2012, 09:01 PM
Ok, another thing. Can anyone else see their chest and stomach beating? I'm sitting here watching a movie, I can feel my heart beating hard (again), I look down and I can see me chest and stomach bearing. I'm not a skinny girl, so this is odd. Worry?